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Who Else Wants to Stop Leaving Projects Half-Finished?

“I’m full of ideas, Matt. I start out great and then…I can’t seem to finish.”

Are you like this coaching client of mine? Always leaving projects half-finished? Or, even worse, 80% or 90% done?

Half-finished Project
A project left unfinished is no better than a project never started. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

One of my coaching clients recently brought this up on one of our calls.

He is like so many world changers. Full of ideas and passion. Short on seeing things through to the end.

He has “Shiny Object Syndrome.” I can relate as, I am the president of the Recovering Shiny Object Syn–hey, I have an idea.

This client, like so many, is missing out on using one powerful tool that all successful finishers use.

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Don’t Buy Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever & Miss These

Don’t Buy Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever & Miss These

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Do you want 2014 to be your best year ever?

Who wouldn’t? Who actually started out this year saying, “You know, 2009 was as good as it gets. I really can’t beat that.”

No one. We all want this year to be our best ever. And for next year to be better.

You may have seen Michael Hyatt’s course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever. He sells it for $197. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to spend $197 to have your best year ever.

5 Days to Your Best Year Ever Michael Hyatt
Divorce can be prevented. Here’s a 99.99% guaranteed way to divorce-proof your marriage. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Everything is at stake

Michael said something recently that convinced me to give it a try:

Everything is at stake by not seeking transformation now.


And he’s right.

If you waste one day, that might be the day that changes your life. One missed opportunity might set you back a week, a month, or even a year towards achieving your goals. It’s time to do something different. It’s time to invest in your best year ever.

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