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When Should You Bring on Affiliate Partners?

When Should You Bring on Affiliate Partners?

I got a question recently from a reader that I love to answer because the answer is so counterintuitive. When should you bring on affiliate partners to promote your product?

When should you bring on affiliate partners

A blog reader, Sue Dunlevie from SuccessfulBlogging.com, recently asked a question that I get so often here:

When are you ready to take on affiliates? Should I wait for one or two more launches?

I LOVE this question because it shows that Sue gets it. She isn’t looking for a get-rich-quick answer. She knows that slow and steady wins the race here.

I shot a short video to answer her question and shed some light on the process we take with prospective clients launching new products.

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How Josh Turner Ran a 7-Figure Launch

How Josh Turner Ran a 7-Figure Launch

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into a massive product launch, this post is for you. Josh Turner’s JV Manager, Ryan Farrell, recently shared their winning playbook…and you get to peak inside.

Josh Turner JV launch Appointment Generator

Josh Turner recently launched his new course, The Appointment Generator. And they launched it big. By the time the dust settled, they’d sold nearly $3,000,000 worth of courses.

The reality is that most of us will never do a mega-launch like that, though I am confident many of you will. Regardless, there are some huge takeaways from Josh’s launch that Ryan shared. I’ll break them down into two sections:

  • What You Can Learn for Your Product Launch
  • What You Can Learn Promoting Affiliate Offers

This post is merely an overview and has my biggest takeaways, but the FULL interview with Ryan is amazing. Click here to get immediate access.

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How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

Recently, Josh Turner had one of the biggest JV launches of the year with The Appointment Generator. Somewhat amazingly, I finished 9th ahead of some of the biggest names in online marketing. How’d I do it? That’s what I share below.

Affiliates using live chat for commissions

First off, the number one factor in my success was Josh Turner himself (and his product). I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t give credit where it is due and Josh and his team deserve a lot of the credit. As I mentioned before, picking the right products to promote is the number one key to success in affiliate marketing. If you are looking for something awesome to promote, sign-up for Josh’s program and he’ll let you know when his next launch is.

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