3 Lessons from a Hater

3 Lessons from a Hater

He called me “unprofessional” and “childish” then left the training I was doing for a large client. You might think that would derail the whole thing, but it was actually one of the best things that could have happened. I’m sharing 3 powerful lessons from a hater in...
Think You’re Not an Expert? Think Again!

Think You’re Not an Expert? Think Again!

Think you’re not an expert? Think again. This episode is all about helping you to discover the inner expert and unleash your influence. Click Here for The Written Transcript of This Episode NEW EPISODE: “Book Launch Party: An Interview with Matt About Turn Your...
Why You’ll Never Get What You Want

Why You’ll Never Get What You Want

Why aren’t you getting the results that you want? This episode today has nothing to do with affiliate marketing or online business, but it has everything to do with both. I almost didn’t release it because it doesn’t share a specific strategy to improve your email copy or increase your revenue or find affiliate partners. But someone needs to hear this message and maybe that someone is YOU. I’m going to share why you aren’t getting the results you want and what I believe is the secret to getting them!