The “DIY” mindset can completely destroy your business. It leads to stress, frustration and ultimately giving up and quitting. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In this video, I share WHY the DIY mindset is killing your business, and what you should be doing instead. If you are frustrated with your business, you HAVE to watch this video. If you aren’t frustrated with your business now, make sure you watch it so you don’t get frustrated in the future!
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Stop Trying to be the Expert
A received an interesting response to our affiliate marketing survey recently. This person wrote that it was hard “passing myself off as an expert with these affiliate marketing products when, quite truthfully, I am not an expert in anything. Isn’t that living a lie?” I have good news though…you don’t have to be the expert! In fact, you can have a huge impact and make a lot of money being a fellow journeyman. I share how in today’s episode.
Roller Coasters, Fear, Affiliate Marketing and Life Lessons Part 1
A couple times a year my wife and I take a trip to Cedar Point – The Roller Coaster Capital of the World. We spend a couple days riding as many roller coasters as we possibly can. That might not seem that amazing until I tell you that a few years ago I was deathly terrified of roller coasters. Today I want to share with you what overcoming my fear of roller coasters taught me about affiliate marketing and life.
[youtube id=”K8NQEctGaCg”]
I Might Regret This…Talking About Donald Trump [PODCAST]
Oh boy…this is gonna be a good one. In this episode, I share what one of the most controversial figures on the entire planet can teach you about great marketing…Donald Trump. I might regret this, but probably not.
Listen below:
Don’t Let These Excuses Hold You Back From Affiliate Marketing Success [VIDEO]
Affiliate marketing is not hard. But over and over again I hear the same excuses from potential affiliates about why they can’t get started. But they are just that. Excuses. In today’s video, I am going to address (and debunk) the top five excuses that I hear all the time.
[youtube id=”bY7KrZGUumQ”]
The Sequence of Success in Affiliate Promotions [UPDATED]
You might think there is some sort of a success secret to promoting affiliate offers, but there isn’t. There’s no formula. No sauce. But there is a proven sequence that works every time. If you follow this sequence, you will be successful in your promotions.
The thing about this “Sequence of Success” is that it applies to anything in life. Once you learn it, you’ll see how it’s true everywhere.