The single best way to improve your affiliate program is…to improve your conversions! Better conversions means more sales. It means happier affiliates. It means getting more affiliates to sign up in...
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AFFILIATES: How To Overcome Your FEAR of Selling
You've got the products. You've got the audience. Now...if only you could get past that last hurdle that keeps rearing its ugly head...overcoming your fear of selling! The fear of rejection and...
The Only 5 Reasons People Subscribe or Buy
Why do people actually subscribe? Why do people buy? What makes them give up one of their most prized possessions - their email address - to get access to a PDF or training? What makes them actually...
This Mindset Shift Will Transform the Way You Sell [PODCAST]
This one simple mindset shift could completely transform the way you look at selling. Which will ultimately completely transform the way you sell. Which will ultimately help you to sell more of...
5 Email Marketing Secrets for Closing More Affiliate Sales
Having an email list is great. It's fun to log in to your email system and see your subscriber counts increasing. But you must turn those subscribers into BUYERS to run a successful business. I've...
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Selling
Are you afraid of selling? If the answer is yes, you're not's a common problem that everyone faces. Recently, I released a video about closing the gender gap in affiliate marketing, and...