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How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing (Or Anything Else)

How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing (Or Anything Else)

If you’re reading this right now I know one thing about you – you are successful. You may not feel successful. You may not have a million dollars or own an Inc. 500 company, but you are successful. Because you are learning and growing. You’re reading these words and you are going to watch the video below. In this video, I’ll share 4 things you must do if you want to be successful. Watch it now – but only if you want to continue to be successful 🙂

[youtube id=”C0fiXd2uGzE”]

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How to Handle Hate Mail from Subscribers

How to Handle Hate Mail from Subscribers

I got my first negative iTunes review ever (out of like 500+ for all my podcasts). That got me thinking…how should you handle hate mail, complaints, and those people who appoint themselves as your own personal critic…especially when they are subscribed to your email list for FREE! What about those people who complain when you promote? What’s the best way to handle haters? That’s what today’s episode is all about.

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Three Principles to Guarantee Affiliate Marketing Success

Three Principles to Guarantee Affiliate Marketing Success

What if you could completely remove failure as an option in your affiliate marketing? What if there was a way to set goals that would guarantee your success as an affiliate? Well, there is. By following the three principles outlined in today’s post you can ensure your success — whether it is your first affiliate promotion or your 100th.

Let’s be honest:

It hurts when you join a launch as an affiliate and don’t make a dime.

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The 7 Obsessions of Highly Successful People

The 7 Obsessions of Highly Successful People

When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with one thing (and it’s not what you think). I woke up thinking about it, I went to bed thinking about it, and it consumed my mind throughout the day. After school, I could not wait for it. I planned every minute of my day around it. I was obsessed…and highly successful at this one thing.

The 7 Obsessions of Highly Successful People

For me, that one thing was golf. And the lessons I learned reaching the top levels of that game have benefited me throughout my life.

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The PROVEN Formula for Success at Anything

The PROVEN Formula for Success at Anything

Why does success feel so elusive sometimes? I know that for me, it feels that way when I overcomplicate the formula. The fact is that the formula for success is simple. Today, I’ll share it with you.

The proven formula for success - Jack Canfield

When I took the time recently to review some of my greatest successes in life, I realized that they all followed the same formula. I accomplished what I accomplished because each and every time I did what I am about to teach you.

The formula was always surprisingly simple and easy to follow, too.

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