In this live lesson, I reveal my #1 email for finding affiliates and getting them to promote you! This single email has helped me recruit THOUSANDS of affiliates for myself and my clients. Want to...
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How to Find Affiliates: The Ultimate Guide
Finding affiliates is less complicated than most people think. Below we have everything you need to find the right affiliates for your business: brand new videos, blog posts, podcasts, and more....
How to Find Affiliates Step-by-Step
I've never shared this before publicly. But today, I'm revealing something that has made my companies (and our clients) tens of millions of dollars! Want to know what it is? Of course! So come join...
How to Keep a Warm Network for Affiliates
There is a single thing that could be the difference between success and failure in affiliate marketing, and in your entire business. It's your network. I know that networking is a dirty word to...
What’s Better for Promotions – Flat Fee or Affiliate Commission?
Is it better to receive a flat fee for sending an email blast for a company, or becoming an affiliate for them and earning an affiliate commission? That's a question I got recently from one of our...
The Toughies Are the Teachers
What if your most difficult prospects could actually be your most valuable ones as well? In today's video, I share a recent experience I had that completely changed my mindset for handling difficult...