Have you ever had someone you care about say something that cuts you to the core? That’s how I felt the day that my mom told me I didn’t look like a success. It hurt. A lot. But I KNEW she was wrong. In today’s video, I share WHY I knew she was wrong – and how you can guarantee your success as well!
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How Successful Marketers Constantly Innovate
If you are a marketer, you’re an innovator. Plain and simple. All successful marketers innovate. There are three reasons that marketers are constantly innovating, and in today’s video, I share all three of those reasons. Watch this video and ask yourself what new twist you can put on an old framework in your industry!
The Frozen Burrito Marketing Lesson
It took me 37 years to learn how to correctly cook a frozen burrito. When I finally discovered the secret, it changed my life. But in the process of learning how to create tasty meals, I ALSO discovered a marketing lesson that could change your life. Watch the video to learn what it is (and how to correctly cook your frozen burrito – it’s a two-for-one!)
Why Declining Small Affiliates is DUMB! [VIDEO]
If you run an affiliate program, you are making a HUGE mistake if you decline small affiliates. In today’s video, I share why declining small affiliates is a dumb idea. I also share why you might get declined if you are ARE a small affiliate.
How To Segment Your Email List For Affiliate Success
For many online business owners, the key to success is effectively segmenting your email list. But how do you segment to maximize affiliate marketing success? In this video, I share exactly how to segment your email list to best serve your audience while still maximizing profit.
Why You Should Refer Other Affiliates and Earn a Second Tier Commission
Should you refer other affiliates for a second tier commission? This is a question I often get, and at the heart of it is a mistaken belief that if you refer other affiliates you will be cannibalizing your own ability to make affiliate sales. In this video, I bust that myth and share several other reasons why you should refer affiliates.