6 Marketing Lessons From The Life Of Billy Graham

6 Marketing Lessons From The Life Of Billy Graham

When Billy Graham passed away recently I spent some time thinking about how this great man had influenced my life and what he had taught me, not just personally, but professionally. Regardless of your faith or opinion on his religious views and beliefs, there is a LOT we can learn about marketing from the life of Billy Graham. In this video, I share six marketing lessons I learned from Billy Graham.

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Roller Coasters, Fear, Affiliate Marketing and Life Lessons Part 1

Roller Coasters, Fear, Affiliate Marketing and Life Lessons Part 1

A couple times a year my wife and I take a trip to Cedar Point – The Roller Coaster Capital of the World. We spend a couple days riding as many roller coasters as we possibly can. That might not seem that amazing until I tell you that a few years ago I was deathly terrified of roller coasters. Today I want to share with you what overcoming my fear of roller coasters taught me about affiliate marketing and life.

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How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing (Or Anything Else)

How To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing (Or Anything Else)

If you’re reading this right now I know one thing about you – you are successful. You may not feel successful. You may not have a million dollars or own an Inc. 500 company, but you are successful. Because you are learning and growing. You’re reading these words and you are going to watch the video below. In this video, I’ll share 4 things you must do if you want to be successful. Watch it now – but only if you want to continue to be successful 🙂

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Are You Making This Newbie Affiliate Mistake?

Are You Making This Newbie Affiliate Mistake?

When you get started in affiliate marketing, just like when you start anything, you have a ton of enthusiasm and excitement — which is a good thing. But it can also lead to mistakes that are easily avoidable if you just know what they are. In today’s video, I share one of the most common mistakes that I see new affiliates make.

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What Price Points Should You Promote As An Affiliate?

What Price Points Should You Promote As An Affiliate?

Recently I had a subscriber ask me how to determine what price points they should promote as an affiliate. This is a question I get asked fairly frequently, and there isn’t a good one-size-fits-all answer.  There are three things to consider when determining what price points you should be promoting to your audience.  I share them with you in this video.

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