Are You Ready for Affiliate Marketing?

Are You Ready for Affiliate Marketing?

You should get involved in affiliate marketing NOW. No matter whether you think you are ready or not, TODAY is the day to get involved. In this video, I show why you should be an affiliate and get your own affiliates right away.

I got an email from a reader named Chris Kinney recently:

I’m trying to figure out how to advertise my website right now. Kind of lost I guess. At this point I really don’t think I’m ready for affiliates.

Chris, you ARE ready. NOW is the time to start.

Stop Giving Up on Your Online Business

Stop Giving Up on Your Online Business

Too many give up right before their breakthrough. They give up when they are close to making their first sale. They give up when they are close to making their first affiliate commission. They give up when they are close to going full-time. They quit right when success is around the corner. This is a call to stop that.

Consistent action over time is the only recipe for success in your online business. It’s always been that way and it always will be

How to Recruit New Affiliates You Don’t Even Know

How to Recruit New Affiliates You Don’t Even Know

Your early efforts at recruiting affiliates are severely limited by your network. When you are first getting started online, you might not know a single person who’d make a good affiliate? So, how do you find affiliates even if you don’t know anyone? Today, I share the exact method we’ve used to recruit thousands of affiliates for our clients.

Inside Look at Ray Edwards’ Affiliate Bonus Packages [VIDEO]

Inside Look at Ray Edwards’ Affiliate Bonus Packages [VIDEO]

Ray Edwards is always one of the top affiliates in every launch he supports. He consistently outperforms his list size and always seems to surprise me. One of the biggest reasons is he always has great bonuses.

I recently shot this video for Michael Hyatt’s affiliates. In it, Ray Edwards is gracious enough to spend more than twenty minutes breaking down his bonus package for Michael’s launch.