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Danny Iny’s 5 Secrets to Affiliate Promotions

Danny Iny’s 5 Secrets to Affiliate Promotions

In the past year, I’ve had the great pleasure of getting to know a highly successful online marketer named Danny Iny. I also had the chance, as one of his top affiliate partners, to join other top performers at his JV mastermind. Here are five affiliate success secrets Danny shared with us.

Danny has built a massive online business. As a result, he has not only run his own mega-launches but he has been a top affiliate for numerous others.

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What Tools Do You Need to Run an Affiliate Program

What Tools Do You Need to Run an Affiliate Program

What tools do you need to run a great affiliate program? Well, the answer is: It depends. It depends on your current level, your budget, and to some extent personal preferences. Today, I share nine tools for every level and preference. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, have virtually no budget or an unlimited one, this video covers it all.

Running an affiliate program is not as complicated (technologically speaking) as many people make it out to be. Depending on your level, you could get started with just four of the tools I mention in this video. And it would cost you less than $250.

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What Does the 2016 Presidential Election Mean for Online Marketers?

In case you haven’t noticed, the 2016 presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has been kind of a big deal around the world. But what does it mean for online marketers? And really, what does it truly mean for anyone?

Remember, entrepreneurs win no matter who is in the White House. But winning is a choice and a daily commitment to excellence.

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Why You Should Use More Video to Build Your Brand

Why You Should Use More Video to Build Your Brand

It took me a while to figure out just how powerful video is. I’m not sure why…fear of the camera, perceived lack of know-how, or my good, old-fashioned for writing. But, when I finally started doing more video recently, the results were amazing. Here’s what I learned:

You could call this Day 31 of my 30 Days of Q&A Series. I recently wrapped doing 30 videos in 30 days and I learned five things along the way, which I share in the video above.

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