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How Often Can I do an Affiliate Launch?

The great thing about affiliate launches is that they can bring in a huge amount of money in a short time. I love them for that reason. But…the downside is that you don’t make nearly as much money when you aren’t launching. So, how often can you do an affiliate launch? That’s what today’s video is all about.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked this questions, I’d be rich (OK, not rich, but I could get my family into Disney World). Launches are great and we want more of them.

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Should You Outsource or Hire An Affiliate Manager in House?

If your business has reached the point where you are ready to bring on an affiliate manager, what should you do? One option is to outsource your affiliate management (like we offer for our clients). Another is to bring it in-house. Today, I share which of these is best for different businesses.

In this video, I share who should hire in-house and who should outsource.

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How do You Find Affiliate Programs?

You know by now that promoting affiliate offers is a great way to make some good money online. But how do you find the affiliate programs? That’s what Jason Lam asked me recently…and I give the answer in today’s video.

In today’s video, I share three ways to find affiliate programs and learn about upcoming affiliate launches. I also share what to do when something you want to promote doesn’t have an affiliate program.

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