
Where to Get Started With Online Marketing in a Sea of Options [VIDEO]

by | Sep 3, 2016 | Entrepreneurship, Videos

Starting an online business can be an intimidating thing. So many options, but where do you start? That’s what today’s video is all about…getting started in a sea of options.


Loren Carlson is starting an online business (way to go, Loren!) but he doesn’t know where to start. Here’s what he wrote recently:

I have extensive personal back ground with Depression. I see a lack of easily accessed support for those that are FIGHTING it. I want to ultimately have a brand that is multimedia (books, video, audio, blog, tele/web/seminars, etc.) and culminates in workgroups, keynote speaking and possibly personal coaching.

Help from one who has been there and has the education to synthesize the various treatments available.

I’m at the starting gate, new to social media, web sites, e-mail list (you get it), but not computer illiterate. I’m interested in using affiliate income as a humble starting point, and build strategic relationships through it as well.

I’m sponging up everything I see/hear/read that I believe will help me along the way.

RELATED POST: Should I Focus on Affiliate Promotions or my Own Products?

Can you relate to Loren? If so, watch this video.

‘When it comes to social media, if you are everywhere, you are nowhere.

How do you maintain focus with so many options?

Missed one of the 30 Days of Q&A vidoes? Find them all here.


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

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