
The Perfect Entrepreneurial Mindset

by | Apr 1, 2014 | Entrepreneurship

I love this! Hat tip to Mark Sieverkropp who shared it from Richie Norton’s Instragram page. THIS is the entrepreneurial mindset:
Glass Half Full or Empty?

“While you debated whether the glass is empty or full, I SOLD it.” (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook


The successful entrepreneur doesn’t care about:

The economy.
The weather.
Who’s in the White House or Congress.
What others say.

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Their own disabilities or limitations.

The successful entrepreneur does care about:

Building relationships.
Creating killer products.
Offering superior service.
Selling with integrity.
Changing the world.
They sell. No matter what.
Even if you’re not an entrepreneur, that  should be your mindset.
How can you have a more entrepreneurial mindset?


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