Are you ready to take your personal brand to the next level? I have a very special guest today to take a deep dive into the secrets of building a personal brand that will make you a sought-after, recognized authority and even a celebrity in your niche.
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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy
#1 Trait of Great Affiliate Managers
How to Build Strong Relationships with Your Affiliates
10 Lessons I Learned Launching a Bestselling Book
How to Build Your Personal Brand and Become a Celebrity in Your Niche with Rory Vaden
Are you ready to take your personal brand to the next level? I have a very, very special guest today to take a deep dive into the secrets of building a personal brand that will make you a sought-after recognized authority, maybe even a celebrity in your niche.
So we’re talking today about personal branding, building a personal brand, and maybe even becoming a celebrity in your niche. And I get this question a lot like, well, Matt, why do I need a personal brand? Why do I need a personal brand?
Well, there are tons of reasons. Even if you’re working, quite frankly, we’re going to focus on the entrepreneurial side, running a business side. But even if you have a career, you work for a company, having a personal brand still is beneficial.
It’s a very competitive world. And one of the things that a personal brand, a really good personal brand helps you to do is stand out from the crowd to differentiate yourself. That’s super important.
Building trust and credibility with your audience, definitely is a big thing, a big benefit of a personal brand. The networking side of things, the connections, just being able to connect with people in your network and building an affiliate program, that’s a part of it.
Nobody wants to be an affiliate for somebody that doesn’t have a brand. Yeah, this doesn’t always apply. If, you know, like when we worked with Adidas, there was no personal brand there. It was a company brand.
But having a personal brand helps. And then the thought leadership side, when you are seen as the expert, you become that go-to authority. And you might only be like an expert because you have a podcast. When people talk about affiliate marketing and affiliate programs, they come to me. Why?
Because my personal brand is The Affiliate Guy. That’s one of the big reasons. Yeah, certainly my experience and being in this industry for 18 years, working with over 300,000 affiliates, that helps. But one of the reasons why people even know about that is because of my personal brand.
And then the last thing is just the personal development side of this. This is something that occurred to me over the past few years, is how much I have grown as a byproduct of building a personal brand. The fact that I have to stay up to date with industry trends and I have to continually refine my skills, keep on learning and reflect. I have grown as a person.
And so while I know a lot about personal branding and I talk about a lot in my book Turn Your Passions Into Profits, I wanted to speak with, in my opinion, the expert, the world’s leading expert on personal brand.
He’s the guy behind some of the biggest personal brands, biggest book launches, all these things. Rory Vaden. And I know Rory from a few different ways.
I knew him as the personal disciplining, kind of motivational guy. He has a book called Take the Stairs, which I freaking love. We talk a little bit about that in this talk today.
But I knew him as that. I knew him as one of the top affiliates for some of our clients, like Michael Hyatt, and I believe he promoted Ray Edwards and Jeff Goins, and I got to know him through that network again, the power of a personal brand. And then lately, I have been seeing this everywhere.
I mean, I took a picture of it today. So let me think. Saturday, we’re driving to my daughter’s soccer game, and I’m reading in her book it’s a sports psychology book for teens, and I’m reading in it, and it says, “Success isn’t owned. It is leased, and the rent is due every day.” And it says, JJ. Watt.
And I went, Wait a minute. That’s not who said that. I know who. So I took a picture of the book and sent it to Rory, and I was like, Dude, this is your quote. And he responded back and said, yeah, it’s pretty common. He has a standard response. JJ. Watt said that. It’s like this quote I heard, and then it got attributed to him and, like, LeBron James and whatnot.
And then today, my daughter’s soccer, the indoor soccer facility there is again on the wall. Big, huge, like, foot and a-half tall letters. Success isn’t owned, it is leased, and the rent is due every day.
So that’s how I know Rory, is that quote, which is from the book Take the Stairs. But now he’s become a personal branding expert and worked with some just absolutely amazing people. He ran the book launch for Ed Mylett and Lewis Howes. He’s run personal branding campaigns for some of the best out there.
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So today, just get ready. Buckle up. Get ready to learn how to establish trust, how to differentiate yourself, and how to become a sought-after authority. In this episode, guys, we’re going to show you how to unlock the power of personal branding, and how to become, and maybe even achieve that celebrity status in your field.
This is going to transform the way that you approach your personal brand. So buckle up, get ready. Here’s Rory.
Matt: Rory, my friend, I am so glad to have you today, thanks for being here.
Rory: Hey, Matt. It’s good to see you, man. Long time no see.
Matt: No, man, it’s been way too long. Oh, my gosh, I am so excited to talk to you because I said this in the intro, but we go back a long way one way back to when you were basically almost in a completely different field. But the cool thing I love about it is you’re teaching now. Exactly. What you did for yourself.
And when you started doing it for yourself, you weren’t really an expert at it. You learned from some people and you did just like we recommend. You pulled from probably 100 different people the things that you liked and you made up a few things on your own.
And now today, when I think of personal branding experts and who’s the go-to guy? If you want to build a personal brand, it’s Rory Vaden. There’s nobody else.
And so I’m excited to talk about this today because I know people are going to get a ton out of this and maybe hear a little bit of your story as we go along.
So I’d love to get in a little bit to that story just because how in the heck did you get to this point where you’re the guy that Ed Mylett and Eric Thomas and the list goes on and on? Lewis Howes and so many others are going, these are people who already have a personal brand they’re still coming to you going, how do I get better at this?
So when somebody does that, I’m like, I want to listen to this person. So how did you get into this?
Rory: Yeah, well, for me, I was in 6th grade the first time that I saw a professional speaker. I remember I was in the gymnasium at Platt Middle School PMS, which is a true story. I went to PMS for middle school and this speaker walked in he was amazing and he was inspiring and he was funny, but he was telling this awful story about how his brother was murdered and he was in jail and everyone he knew got in trouble for drugs and all this sort of stuff.
And basically, he was saying, hey, you should make good choices with your life. And I was like, wow, that really impacted me. And then when I was in high school, I was in Soon Council and we hired a guy to come speak for $1,000.
And it blew my mind. I was like, what? Do you get $1,000 to come speak on a microphone for an hour? And I was like, this is what I want to do, I want to be a speaker. But I had no idea how. I had no idea. What’s the path, what’s the plan? How do you get to be on stage?
And I joined a direct sales company. I became one of the top producers solely for the fact that I wanted to get invited to speak at the national meeting, which happened. And then I heard about a contest called the World Championship of Public Speaking that’s put on by an organization called Toastmasters. And there are 25,000 people who compete from 90 countries for a chance to be called the World Champion.
And I thought, man, maybe if I won the World Championship, then that would give me the credibility to launch a speaking career. And so I was 22 years old. I studied so hard. I went and spoke everywhere. And in 2006, I became the youngest person ever to make it to the World Championship, which was the top ten in the world, and I lost.
And then in 2007, I got more coaching. I spoke 304 times for free, all over these two years, and I received over 2200 written evaluations. I watched 1100 hours of film and dozens of books and courses. And in 2007, I went back. And that was the year that I lost again.
But I lost higher. I was the world champion of public speaking and the first runner-up. So I was number two in the world. I was 23 years old. And from there I had a couple of friends, a friend that I had known from college.
And we decided we were going to start a company, putting on big conferences, like motivational seminars. And so we knew something from sales because I had been going door to door for 14 hours a day, six days a week, for five summers when I was in college. And so we started a sales training company from scratch.
And then we ended up growing that to 200 coaches, sales coaches. It was an eight-figure business. We were putting on events with thousands of people in the room. I became a New York Times bestselling author when I was 29. Had a Ted Talk go viral a couple of years after that.
So my first book, Take the Stairs, Hit the New York Times. And then my second book, Procrastinate on Purpose Five. Permission to multiply your time was what my Ted Talk was based on. The Ted Talk goes viral.
And then all of a sudden in 2018, so this is twelve years later, we sold the company very unexpectedly, very suddenly, overnight, and it was all gone. And so we had built all of this, and to the exact day, Lewis Howes called me. And I had been a guest on Lewis’s show when Take the Stairs had come out.
And I had just kind of, like, helped him a little bit here and there with his first book launch, just like as a friendly kind of like pointing out some tips and stuff. And he said, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but, man, I really feel like I could use your brain on my business. We’ve grown a lot, but
But I’m overwhelmed. I’m pulled in a lot of directions. We’re making multi-seven figures, but it doesn’t feel like we’re really scaling and he said, Would you help me? And so we had no plan, no frameworks, no idea to do this at all. Lewis came over.
He spent a couple of days with us, and after that, he said, this was one of the most powerful business experiences I’ve ever had. This is your new business. I know so many people who need this, and we’re going to have you on the podcast to tell the whole world about it.
And so Lewis became our first client. Now, you mentioned over the last four years we worked with Ed Mylett and Amy Porterfield and Jasmine Starr and Peter Diamondes and Eric Thomas, E. T. The hip-hop preacher and all these people, and we became a personal brand strategy firm. We’re about to hit eight figures again.
We should hit close to eight figures this year. In our fifth year in business, we’ve helped 13 clients become New York Times or Wall Street Journal best-selling authors. We’ve helped five clients grow their revenue, by more than seven figures per year. And we have our fifth client, who we’ve helped with a Ted Talk that is just about to hit a million views and all this sort of stuff.
And so we got into it, really, because Lewis Howes was the catalyst for the business. We never planned to do this, and we sort of unexpectedly sold one business and started this one. And most of our clients today, so we have about 600 active clients.
We do one on one coaching exclusively, like one on one training and working with people. And we help people become more well-known, and we help mission-driven messengers specifically to become more well-known. And yeah, that’s a whole story as fast as I could tell it.
Matt: Oh my gosh. Okay, that started in 2018 or 19?
Rory: 2018 was when the brand builders group started. Yeah, in the middle.
Matt: So you kind of said it was unexpected, but you were twelve-plus years in training. That is the way I look at I’ve never done this before, but okay, so you just told your story in about five minutes. You talk about who you help and who you work with.
I know this also works. This doesn’t just work with oh, yeah, Lewis Howes and ET, and of course, anybody can help them, is what I know. What people are thinking?
Guys, this has worked, what Roy just talked about, it’s worked with people who have nowhere even near the credentials of them. They’re maybe even just starting out. So do this. Go to for the affiliate guy.
Talk to Roy’s team and they’ll tell you if they can’t help you if you’re in one of those weird situations and they’re like, yeah, we cannot help you, they’ll tell you, Talk to them, just talk to them. Normally, we wait till the end of the interview and then say, hey, Rory, where can people know, you just heard right there what he’s done.
We’re going to give you some actionable stuff here, but go ahead, press pause, and click the link in the show notes. It’ll take you two minutes maybe on the high end to fill that form out. Fill it out, then come back and listen.
Okay? We want to go ahead and just book that call or at least get it on your radar so you don’t forget, because I know how things are. You’re going to finish the podcast episode.
You’re going, that was amazing. Life is going to get in the way. There’s going to be some traffic, something like that, and then you’re going to totally forget about it. So do it now, while you’re thinking about it.
I want to highlight one other thing you kind of glossed over because this is your story and you’ve told it a million times, and we forget about these little things. But you said 304 free speeches.
And I talk so often here about like, just getting in your reps. How do you get really good at webinars? You do webinars. I have a friend of mine, Alan Thomas, he’s a weight loss coach. And he’s like, Matt, I’ll do them. If three people show up, I’ll do the webinar.
Because I told him, like, do it. He made one the other day. He had twelve people registered, which means three people. He’s like, no, two people showed up and I did it. Sold one of them just by the way, $7,000 sale. I’m like, I don’t know about you, but spend an hour, make seven grand.
That’s not a bad trade. And I know it’s hard. You’re putting in your reps and you’re trying to hey, guys, so great to be here for all two of you.
And it’s hard to get the energy. But he put in his reps, and now as he’s done this 100 times, he’s actually pretty good at them and he’s doing much bigger audiences with hundreds of people. And the point there is, like, you just put in your reps and your reps and your reps, and then eventually it just becomes maybe not easy, but it becomes pretty simple.
And I love that. So don’t gloss over that.
Rory: Thank you for that, Matt. I’ll tell you this, the single best piece of personal brand strategy advice that I’ve ever received, and this isn’t a Rory Vaden quote. I wish it was, but this comes from a gentleman named Larry Winget. Larry told me this early in my career.
He said, “The goal is to find your uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others. Find your uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others.” So what we’ve done is we’ve developed a process that helps people find their uniqueness to figure out what is the thing that they can do better than anyone else in the world.
What is their uncopyable difference? What is the divine design of their humanity that we can access that then helps them break through all the noise? But to what you were saying about getting the reps in a lot of times it’s like people are driven by ambition or they’re driven by notoriety or fame or like, I want to be whatever.
But the real thing that never dies is the desire to serve. And when you center your life and your business around, there’s a problem in the world that you want to solve for people. There is a specific type of person out there in the world that I want to help.
When you orient the entire strategy around that, it never acquiesces. Like, it never grows dim, and you stay on fire. And you see that with Eric Thomas as a great example, right? Like, you see he still has so much fire today. Ed Mylett has so much fire today. You’re exactly right.
Those guys would have been successful with or without us. Specifically, when it comes to book launches, we do that as well as anyone in the world. We have a really good formula for that.
So we got the privilege to work with them, and they both sold over 100,000 copies of their book, like, fall in the Formula. But they have the fire, right? Because they’re not trying to make more money or just be more well-known.
They’ve dedicated their lives to solving a problem. And that’s sort of the genesis of how you find someone’s uniqueness. As we say, what and this is what most people can’t even do and this is the first step, is answering one simple question with one word what problem do you solve?
And most people cannot answer such a simple question what is the problem you solve? But the people who change the world dedicate their lives to solving a problem. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to ridding the world of poverty.
Martin Luther King, Jr. dedicated his life to ridding the world of inequality. Dave Ramsey has built a nine-figure business for 30 years, talking about one thing debt.
Brene Brown has become one of the most influential people in the world. She dedicated her life to solving the problem of shame. I built my career on solving the problem of procrastination.
And so you mentioned taking the stairs, and all my early work was around helping people do things they didn’t feel like doing. And now brand Builders group solves the problem of obscurity people who are unclear, untrusted, and unknown. And we help them become more well known.
With Lewis. Lewis’s entire brand is oriented around helping people overcome self-doubt. That was a pivot that we made with him four years ago, where it took like, eight years to get to 30 million downloads.
And in the last couple of years, he’s gone from 30 million downloads to 500 million downloads. And it’s because he never grows tired, he never grows weary, and it’s because he’s chasing something, doing something that is beyond money and it is beyond fame, right? It’s beyond income and it’s beyond influence.
It’s impact. And when we find somebody’s uniqueness and we really tap into it, that’s what it takes to break through the wall, to become at that level. And that’s where the desire and the passion to do the reps comes from, right? It’s not just sheer willpower or discipline. It’s a calling.
Matt: I don’t want to say anything, I just want to let you keep talking. I keep talking. Oh, my gosh, I love that one-word thing. Obviously, I spent a few seconds there thinking of that myself.
It’s a pretty cool exercise because there are two words and I think, you know what? For our business, we got to understand which of those words it is.
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Rory: Well, in our classic framework, so the entire brand builders group experience is actually like our whole curriculum is 14 different two-day experiences, right?
So we have them on the art of speaking, the business of speaking, writing books, doing book launches and selling books, podcasting, funnels, training your sales team, all these topics. But the first one is called Finding Your Brand DNA, which is where we help people find their uniqueness. And there are actually two single words that we look for with people.
So one is the problem they solve and the other one is their uniqueness. The uniqueness is also kind of like the one-word distillation of the answer to the problem. So I broke through the wall with Take the Stairs because the problem I solved and studied was procrastination and my solution or my answer, was discipline.
And so I studied those two things. That was my lens on the world, right? For Dave Ramsey, it would be debt and cash.
Even though Dave is not a client, neither is Brene Brown. But you see the same thing with Brene Brown’s shame and vulnerability. There’s the problem and then there’s the solution.
So when you go, how do I find my uniqueness? The whole experience takes about two days, but I’ll share with everyone the shortcut because I know we don’t have a ton of time. And we discovered this we didn’t know this when we started the company, but now, five years into it, we’ve taken hundreds of people through this, and now we have a couple of dozen strategists on our team that are constantly taking people through.
And we started to notice this pattern that for all of us, there’s a hint of what your uniqueness is. And the hint comes from understanding one simple insight, which is that you are most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were. You’re most powerfully positioned to serve the person you once were for all of us. Right?
Every bit of pain that you have gone through has prepared you and shaped you into becoming the person that you needed to be one day so that you could reach back and help somebody else. And that’s why it’s like if somebody is an aspiring author or a speaker, it’s like we can serve them in such a deep way.
Because I was inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame when I was 37, and we’ve traveled the world and we’ve done these things, and now we’ve helped so many other people to do it. Now, technically, we don’t just work with speakers, authors, and coaches. We say our audience is mission-driven messengers.
So it’s anybody with a message. And they tend to be either experts or entrepreneurs. And they’re using their personal brand either to get a direct message out, like they have some expertise, or they’re just driving awareness back to their company, right?
They’re entrepreneurs. They’re the face of the company driving something. But regardless of what the business model is, the uniqueness, the path to somebody’s uniqueness is always the same.
It’s asking the question, what challenges have you conquered? What obstacle have you overcome? What setback have you survived?
What tragedy have you triumphed over? Whatever that is. Therein lies your uniqueness, the thing that you are uniquely equipped to solve and to help and support other people through.
And if we can tap into that, there’s not only deep expertise from you but there is a powerful emotion that, again, we believe it actually transcends into the area of the divine to say this is God’s divine design of your humanity. That you were created for a reason and with a purpose.
And that even the hardest things you’ve gone through in your life happened. Not because it had anything to do with you, but because they were shaping you to be one day in the service of others. And that is just uniqueness. And, man, when you peg that, it’s almost like the rest of it falls into place.
Matt: I just did something like I’ve ever done. When I interviewed somebody for a podcast.
I just texted my next call, so I’m going to be a little bit late because I’m in the middle of something so good that if you got a little bit extra time then we booked, if you don’t, you can just nod your head no, but we might go a few minutes over if that’s okay with you.
Rory: I got a few minutes, yeah.
Matt: I appreciate that, because, gosh, this is so good. The mission-driven messengers. I think everybody knows their mission, and I think most people, especially those who go through the exercises in our book, or if they just know, they kind of have an idea of who they want to help, they see the struggle, and they go through this.
Because you mentioned Mother Teresa. We go. Okay. Mother Teresa helped the sick and dying in India. And we go, we can’t all be Mother Teresa. Somebody needs to help the person who helps the person who helps the person who funds Mother Teresa’s mission. Sure.
And I think a lot that I hear and I’m curious to hear your take on this is a lot of people just don’t think that their mission or their expertise is that important or special. And I know I’ve shared the example of our client, Adam Lean, who’s like, dude, I work with accountants. I’m talking about being a hero.
And he’s like, I work with accountants. How is that heroic? I was like, Well, Adam, you told me that you saved them 10 hours a week of work.
How is that not heroic? When you get to go to your kid, go ask the kid who gets ten more hours with Daddy. Ask the spouse who gets a weekly date night if what you do is heroic.
And he’s like, oh, okay. Yeah, you’re right. That is heroic, man.
But I’m curious to hear what somebody is just thinking, okay, what I’m doing, my mission isn’t Mother Teresa. It’s not Bernay Brown’s level. It’s a little bit more basic.
I want to work with so and so or so and so. How do we get them to see that importance and then be able to kind of lean into what they’re doing? It is mission-critical for some people somewhere.
How would you do that? I know that’s a little bit of a generic example, maybe. How would you do that? I’ll use me, for example. I get it. I already get it.
But if I came to you seven, eight years ago when I was like, Rory, dude, I only know one thing in the world better than anybody else. That’s affiliate marketing and how to run affiliate programs. You give me outside of those two lanes, man, I don’t know anything.
I’m a doofus. What does that mean? Where do we go with that?
Rory: Well, I think when we’re trying to find somebody’s uniqueness, we’re actually listening to their calling. And I want to talk about you kind of touched on what’s the magnitude right? Of like Oh, I’m not Mother Teresa. I’m not changing the world. But you are changing the world for somebody.
You are changing somebody’s world. And we actually believe that the calling you feel in your heart is the result of a signal that’s being sent out by somebody who needs you and that that person actually needs you more than you need them. It may be millions of people, it might be a couple of dozen people, but it is a signal that’s being sent out.
And we call this the law of the frequency because a lot of times small business owners or early young messengers will say like oh well, I’m not Brene Brown and why would I try? She’s already done that. Or I can’t do what Tony Robbins did like he already did that or there’s already this expert or that expert.
But the law of the frequency is best explained through like, thinking about a radio station. There could be two different radio stations playing the exact same song at the exact same time. But the person hearing it can only hear one of those stations at any one moment and that’s because the receiver of the message is tuned in to that particular frequency.
There are people in the world who are tuned into a particular frequency, which is your frequency. They can’t be reached by Tony Robbins. They can’t be reached by Mel Robbins. Right? They can’t be reached by Brene Brown. They can be reached by you.
Why? I don’t know why. It’s because they’re tuned into that frequency. There’s something about you that resonates with them. It might be the way you look. It might be the way you sound. It might be your age. It might be the certain way that you talk or frame things. But to that person, you are changing their world.
And I think too often today everyone is so concerned and so consumed about the width of their reach that they have forgotten about the depth of their impact. And all we’re doing is chasing more followers, more email subscribers, and more downloads. Like we’re just chasing the width of reach.
And you go sure, you could have a million followers on Instagram or you could adopt one child. You tell me which one makes the greater sum total impact and it’s not necessary that it’s either or. And it’s not about competing and comparing.
What it is though is about waking up to the idea that there’s more than just width, there’s more than just reach that factors in to impact. There is depth and you can be somebody’s favorite. You can save somebody who is hurting.
You can change the trajectory of somebody’s life in a moment because there is somebody out there right now who is begging and pleading and searching and possibly on their very hands and knees praying for answers to questions that you know like the back of your hand because you’ve already walked down the path. You’ve solved it a thousand times, right?
Somewhere there is some business owner who has an amazing product and a great funnel and really tight systems, and they don’t have enough audience. And they go, man, if I had 100 affiliates show up, this thing would light. Up and I would have the money to donate or to give jobs or to take my kids on vacation or to pay for somebody to go to school or to fund a nonprofit.
But I need somebody who can bring me more traffic to the thing I’ve spent my life building. And you go, yeah. In that way, Matt McWilliams matters to that person. But in reality, Matt McWilliams matters to all of the people that are touched by that nonprofit or by that school or by that one life that has changed.
And so we make a huge mistake when we isolate our impact only to our direct encounters with other people, and we discount the magnitude and the gravitas of how our impact happens through other people. And so you really just need to be reminded that this is not about you.
Your personal brand is not about you. It’s about the people that you can help and how can you serve. And as you do that, you create impact, you create profit, and you create purpose for yourself and for everyone around you.
So don’t just be focused on the width of your reach. Be focused on the depth of your impact.
Matt: So good, dude. Oh, man. You said a word there. You said the traffic thing. That was one of the words. It was like if we sum up traffic, you got a message, you got a product even, you got an idea.
You just need a peek, you need eyeballs. And that’s that word, the idea. If anybody doesn’t believe what Rory said about the frequency thing that’s kind of woo-woo. And we don’t know if I believe that. There’s a book we’ve all experienced. This is a book that so many people have said, oh, my gosh, this book has changed my life.
It’s called The Alchemist by Paulo Cuello. Read the book three times. I don’t get it. It had no impact on a great story, love the story, no impact on me whatsoever. And you know what? There are books that have transformed my life that other people have read, and they went, I don’t get it.
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How is that possible? Because of that author, that story didn’t resonate with them, but it really resonated with me and vice versa. And the point is, Paulo, he’s not saying anything different in that book. Basically, chase your passions, right?
He’s not saying anything in that book that hasn’t been said by other people. But for some people, that story, by that author, clicked with them et. He’s not saying anything different than Jim Rohn said, really? Or that Tony Robbins says. But you know what?
To a certain segment of the population, me included, and I’m a 43-year-old white dude from Indiana, it clicks. Certainly, it’s going to click more than Jim Rohn in the inner city of Chicago. It’s different.
And as you said, Mel Robbins, she’s a woman. If you don’t know who Mel Robbins is, you might have thought that was just another dude. But no, she is going to click with a certain percentage of the population that Tony Robbins just can’t.
Some people can’t get past Tony Robbin’s voice, can’t get past the fact that he’s six, seven, a giant white guy. It’s not going to resonate with them, but your voice can. And I think that is so important.
I love that you said that, and I love that frequency analogy. All right, as we finish up one last thing here, Rory, aside from going to, that’s the first, 1st step. In the interim, maybe they can’t schedule that call for a couple of weeks because they got something coming up, and maybe they need to be thinking right now, what is that very first step I need to be doing in my head?
What is it? What is the first step toward getting on the right path with this? Figuring out your uniqueness.
You’ve talked about some stuff. I’m thinking, like, let’s dial it down and give them the first three-minute step for them to do.
Rory: Sure. Well, Simon Sinek says to start with why. And I love Simon Sinnick. He’s one of my favorite writers, and I love that book and I love that concept.
I will tell you that when we work with personal brands, we don’t work with companies. We only work exclusively with personal brands. With personal brands.
What we have found is that you actually don’t need to start with why. You need to start with who. For most of us, our why is a who.
For most of us, the reason why we work so hard is because we want to take care of our family or we want to make our parents proud or we want to give to an organization or something like that. For most of us, our why is a who. The sooner you get clear on the who, the sooner you’ll be clear on the why, and the sooner you will be clear on the what as in the what to do.
And so I would just really encourage you to sit and process and go who have I earned the right to serve? What audience can I help in the deepest way? What type of person?
Not just can I help? Can I change their freaking life? And what most people do is they make business decisions by like how can I make the most money?
And I think instead of saying how can I make the most money? You should be saying what audience can I serve in the deepest way? Because the most powerful form of marketing is that there is a changed life, a transformed life, right?
The reason why Brand Builders Group is exploding is that we just so happen to have a lot of clients who have a big reach. But those clients would not just automatically broadcast us to the world. They’re having an experience that they’re going I need to tell you what I went through.
I need you to know what I have just encountered. And that happens because we’re not trying to be all things to all people. We do this one really specific thing. We help people become more well-known. We help them find their uniqueness and exploit it in the service of others, as Larry said.
So you got to figure out who can you serve. And just I would really focus on the who because another thing that people will do is they’ll say what’s my purpose? What’s my purpose? Like what’s my next big idea?
And I think a better question to ask is who can I serve? How can I help? Where can I be of value?
If you ask that question, your purpose will show up as a byproduct. You’re never irrelevant when you’re living in service, right? Our lives have meaning in the context of how we interact with other people.
But when I sit only in isolation and say what is my purpose? How can I make the most money? Then it’s like I am severing the relationship and the sort of symbiotic relationship of me in the world around me.
But when I open up and I sort of expand my mind in that conversation to go, which people are out there in the world that I can help the most? Now all of a sudden, my life has meaning because I have value for other people. And what’s amazing is that we know that your highest value to others is to be your highest self.
We know that. We know that your example matters and that when you set a good example, you light other people up. But we actually know that your highest self comes from being your highest value to others.
And when you figure out what is my highest value to others, then you become your highest self. And as you become your highest self, then you are your highest value to others. So that is the way to start that cycle and I would just really focus on the who.
Guys, if you didn’t figure it out, that’s why Rory was the number two public speaker in the world. About 16 more tweetable. I wrote a note and we normally don’t do this because we don’t have that many, but I’m like, I need my team to go through this episode and just like every 45 seconds, there’s a sound bite from you, man.
I mean, we’re going to have like 20 quotes just from this episode. That alone, like, by themselves are so powerful and that’s a skill. I want to commend you for that. That’s a skill that takes practice and years of development and leaves a great impact.
So, Roy, thank you so much. Again, guys, I already know many people personally that I’m going to send there because they are asking me the questions that you covered in this episode. That it’s not my thing. That’s not my thing.
They need you, right?
Rory: We don’t do what you do. You don’t do what we do, other people don’t do. We all have superpowers and as we tap into it, we make the whole world around us a better place.
Matt: Another tweetable thing, man. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Rory: Thank you, buddy. All the best.
So I hope you got as much out of that interview with Rory as I did doing it. I took notes, and I got some ideas, but I would love to hear from you what your biggest takeaway is from this conversation with Rory today. What are you going to do to build your personal brand or build it bigger?
Shoot me a text at 260-217-4619 I would love to hear from you. What is your biggest takeaway?
Then? Make sure to check out the show notes. I’ve got a link to book your free brand call with Roy’s team for the affiliate guy. Go check that out.
And lastly, make sure you hit subscribe because, in the next episode, I’m going to talk about how to negotiate affiliate deals that benefit everyone.
So how do we negotiate those affiliate deals that are not only good for you? The affiliate is good for you, the affiliate manager. But they’re good for other people too. They’re a win-win.
How do we do that? Well, that’s what the next episode is all about, so make sure you hit subscribe so you don’t miss it. I’ll see you then.
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
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