
How to Find Affiliates: The Ultimate Guide

by | Aug 1, 2019 | Affiliate Recruiting, Articles, Videos

Finding affiliates is less complicated than most people think. Below we have everything you need to find the right affiliates for your business: brand new videos, blog posts, podcasts, and more. Think of this is as your one-stop resource on how to find affiliates. Be sure to sign up to be notified when new content is added to this guide.

finding affiliates recruiting affiliates ultimate guide

LESSON 1: 3 Reasons You Need Your Own Affiliates

You know that having affiliates matters and can have massive impact on your business’ bottom line.

But do you know why you need your OWN affiliates?

In this video, you’ll learn the 3 reasons why having your own affiliates is a must if you want exponential growth in your business.

BONUS VIDEO: Should You Have Affiliates For Your First Launch?

I know you’re jazzed about getting affiliates to promote your business, but slow down now. Is it best to have affiliates for your first launch?

In this video, you’ll discover the reasoning behind my answer.


LESSON 2: 3 Ways to Find Affiliates

Now that you know why you need your own affiliates and when to bring them into your promotions, you’re wondering where to find them.

It’s easier than you might think.

You already have an incredible list of people just waiting to support you.

Learn three ways you can find your first affiliates in this video.


BONUS PODCAST EPISODE: How To Hear Yes From More Affiliates (Recruiting Tips)

What is the key getting a YES from more potential affiliates? There’s a very simple answer that I cover today. Today, I share how you can recruit more affiliates and hear YES more often.

BONUS POST: 7 Reasons Why You Should Work With Small Affiliates

A lot of affiliate programs only work with larger affiliates…and I think that’s wrong. I’m not judging people who decide to only work with a select group of needle movers, but I do think it’s a mistake.

Why you should work with small affiliates

In this post, I share seven reasons why you should work with smaller affiliates.

LIVE LESSON: The Mindset of Recruiting Affiliates – the ASK Formula

The number one thing many affiliate marketers struggle with is the ask, especially when it comes to supporting their products and promotions.

The majority of the population has a hard time asking for things, and honestly, it can be downright terrifying. We don’t want to take from others when we should be giving.

In this live lesson we discuss how to get over your fears and learn how to ask people to promote you.

LESSON 3: 3 More Ways to Find Affiliates

You didn’t think there were only three ways to find affiliates, did you?

In this video, you’ll learn 3 more ways we use to find affiliates to support both ours and our client’s launches.

The ASK Formula is going to come in handy, so watch below.


BONUS POST: 3 Keys to Recruiting Affiliates You Don’t Know

When you are first starting out recruiting affiliates, it can be hard to find more than a few people who are good fits and with whom you have a good relationship. That makes recruiting good affiliates a challenge, because most people have a limited network of potential affiliates on hand. So how do you recruit affiliates you don’t even know? Today, I’ll show you how.

How to recruiting new affiliates

Over the years, more than 80% of affiliates we’ve recruited began promoting offers before we had any relationship with them. That means that prior to reaching out to them to ask them to promote something, we didn’t know each other. At all.

We recruited them “cold.” In this post, you’ll learn exactly how to find and recruit affiliates without knowing them at all!

LESSON 4: Using Paid Traffic to Find Affiliates

More than a few marketers are afraid of reaching out past their network and recruiting through paid traffic.

In this lesson, you’ll discover how to target your paid efforts in order to bring in leads that are excited to promote you.



iDev Affiliate – This is by far the most affordable (yet reliable) affiliate management program out there. It does almost everything you could need and is simple to use. Tracking is very accurate and reporting is fairly easy to use. We recommend this to anyone who is just starting out.

BONUS PODCAST: How To Get Affiliates Even If You Don’t Know Anyone

How can you find affiliates if you don’t know anyone in your industry? Whether you are brand new or a seasoned vet, this episode will show you how to find affiliates for any niche.

LIVE LESSON: Step by Step Walkthrough of How We Find Affiliates We Don’t Even Know

LESSON 5: 3 Surprising Ways to Find Affiliates

By now you should know that there are a LOT of ways to find affiliates.

In this video, I share 3 surprising ways to find affiliates that almost no one ever thinks of!


BONUS POST: Affiliate Recruiting: Reach More Affiliates…and Get Them to Say Yes!

The most difficult part of running an affiliate program is finding and recruiting affiliates. Where do you find the right affiliates and how do you get them to actually promote you?

In this post, I’ll share how to dramatically increase the number and type of affiliates you recruit and how to get more of them to say “yes” to promote your offers.

In this post, I cover the next steps and shows you how to dramatically increase the number and type of affiliates you’re recruiting. I also share the single most important key to getting more of them to say “yes” when you ask them.

LESSON 6: How to Work with Competitors as Affiliates

One of the best places to find affiliates to promote your products is your competitors.

I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s true!

In this video, I’ll share four ways to work with your competitors.


BONUS POST: The Absolute #1 Way To Get Your Best Affiliates (That Almost No One Uses)

I am about to reveal the easiest, most effective, and fastest way to get awesome new affiliates. When I share it, it will seem obvious…and yet, almost no one does it.
I’ll spare you the teasing and the mystery and cut right to the good stuff.
Read the full post to learn my recruiting secret!

LIVE LESSON: My #1 Affiliate Recruiting Email Revealed


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

Or…check out some of my free reports to help you get on the right track:

Find Your First 100 Affiliates

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