
How To Get More From The Books You Read

Ever read a book and then found yourself staring at it a few months later struggling to even remember what you learned? Or…you remember a lot but you haven’t IMPLEMENTED a single thing?

You’re not alone…

Happens all the time.

You buy the book, read through it, and then…BOOM!…life intervenes…

And the opportunity to get any LASTING value you can use to make your life or business better disappears…

Why? Because you don’t put what you learned into practice.

The key is to become an ACTIVE reader…

Here are three ways to do it…

1. Start journaling or taking notes in the margins.

Writing things down helps imprint them in your brain. It reinforces what you read.

2. Listen while you read.

The combination of Auditory Learner and the book enhances your ability to INTERNALIZE what you learn. But to implement, you need to buy a book. You can buy Turn Your Passions Into Profits here!

3. Start a book club.

Can’t get simpler than this. I started one with my friend Hunter. We were the only two in it! It led me to starting my first blog. All you do is find a couple of friends and you can share the lessons learned and big takeaways on a regular basis. It’s all about implementing what you learn.

You can start becoming an ACTIVE reader by grabbing my book, Turn Your Passions Into Profits (along with $588 in FREE bonuses).

And while you’re reading, highlight key passages. Make notes while you go along.

CLICK HERE to order your copy of Turn Your Passions Into Profits and get $588 in exclusive pre-order bonuses!