You’ve probably heard the expression ‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, right? Well, successful affiliate marketers are constantly on the lookout for ways to put this adage into practice. Why do all the heavy lifting yourself?
One of the most profitable types of affiliate promotions you can do as an affiliate is one-on-one Joint Venture (JV) Webinars. I’m talking about where the product creator does a webinar for JUST your audience.
JV webinars are a GREAT way to increase your sales. When you joint venture with an affiliate, your opportunity to make more sales skyrockets!
Recently, one of our affiliates did a presentation for my audience and it was a win-win outcome.
My audience appreciated the chance to discover the benefits of a product they might not otherwise have been exposed to.
And we just finished doing one for his audience a week ago.
Our Affiliate/Joint Venture Webinar Breakthrough!
The webinar we did for HIS audience was a real eye-opener!
We made more sales on this one webinar than ever before!
Sure, it was the same presentation we normally do with a few tweaks here and there…
But trust me, it wasn’t the tweaks that allowed us to blow the doors off.
Mostly, it was because of four very specific things the affiliate did.
That’s what I want to share with you here today.
When you get a chance to host somebody else as an affiliate, you want to make the most of the opportunity.
(BTW, if you’re looking for some awesome affiliate promos or upcoming launches we recommend, click here )
Okay, let’s mush on…
Whether you’re hosting a webinar as an affiliate or acting as a JV partner on someone else’s webinar, making sure you build the four elements below into the presentation will leave EVERYONE smiling.
4 Game Changers on Affiliate/Joint Venture Webinars
Back to the example above for a sec where I mentioned we had the highest number of sales we’ve EVER had!
Guess what? Although we had a healthy number of people in the webinar, it wasn’t even close to being the MOST we’ve ever had.
The final sales tally was…UNBELIEVABLE!
Even I was surprised.
(Typically, a good day would see us in the 10%-13% range.!
But over 20%??!!
Unheard of! (until the next one we do, that is!)
And ALL because of the four things this guy did!
It all began with…
Affiliate/ Joint Venture Webinar Game Changer #1
#1: He showed up!
It would have been easy for him to just give the presentation and cut us loose.
He was ON the webinar…with us!
He got there 10-15 minutes early, giving us a chance to chat. Asking people where they were from. He was participating and formally introduced me.
Then, he joined at the end, which I’ll talk about in a little bit.
So, that’s numero uno. Be present.
Affiliate/ Joint Venture Webinar Game Changer #2
#2: He said some REALLY nice things about me.
The story he basically told his audience was, ‘Hey, Matt and I have been friends for a while, and here’s how we met. I saw this guy (me) on some affiliate leader boards and thought, I need to get to know him. And, every time I talk to Matt, I leave with five things that I have to implement right then.’
I’d like to think I’ve given my share of decent intros through the years but THIS…?
(Insider note: we call it a “preframe”.)
He preframed me as this big expert.
I can imagine people in his audience thinking…’ Wow, I’ve got to hear what this guy has to say.’
He said A LOT of nice things about me.
In his course, he briefly mentions affiliate marketing. So what does he do…
During his introduction, he steers people who are interested in learning more about affiliate marketing to sign up for MY list!
Talk about a running start!
How could I NOT sell to his audience, right?
Frankly, after that, it was kind of easy.
Affiliate/ Joint Venture Webinar Game Changer #3
#3 He offered a specific bonus.
Nothing huge. But an offer of real value.
Although I had plenty of bonuses on the webinar, he really ginned things up.
He said, ‘Hey, you’re on this great webinar. I’m the guy that you came through. I’m the guy that you follow. If you join right now, I’m going to throw in this bonus.’
Mic drop! (like my jaw as I watched him in action!)
Here’s the key thing to remember…your audience follows YOU. They are YOUR fan.
And he knew it!
While the affiliate offer might be great, there’s nothing like getting something from YOU.
So, in his case, he shared something that he uses himself…a specific list that he put together.
He’s never sold it. Never shared it. It took him no time to put it together.
But, it WAS one of a kind and not available anywhere else.
He just basically said, ‘hey, if you buy, Matt will send me a list and I’ll make sure you get THIS!”
That might be something that YOU could do.
Say you’re in the fitness industry and you have something you’ve never sold before that’s specifically for runners…you could give that to them.
Or, maybe you’re a chef…you could say ‘here are ten recipes that I’m still trying out myself.’
So have a specific bonus.
Affiliate/ Joint Venture Webinar Game Changer #4
#4 He repeated the offer.
Now, he didn’t go through it again slide by slide.
More in an ‘I just want to point out again what Matt has said’ kinda way. ‘You’re going to get this and this, and oh my gosh, you’re going to get this!
He just repeated the offer. Very simple technique. VERY impactful.
There you have it…4 ways to make your next JV webinar your most successful ever…
- Show up and be present.
- Preframe your joint venture partners by saying a lot of nice things about them so that when they start talking, people are on the edge of their seats.
- Offer a specific bonus.
- Repeat the offer.
So, those are four things YOU can start doing as an affiliate.
But what about if you’re not at the level where you’ve got people climbing over each other asking if you’ll host a webinar with you?
Then, what?
Here are a couple of things you can do.
First, on every webinar, you can preframe the people participating.
Second, offer your own specific bonus.
And, with a little effort and imagination, you can even be present by saying, ‘Hey, we’re going to do a live chat over here for people in my audience.’
The main thing is…if you’re running the webinar, ask your affiliate JV partner to do at least SOME of those things.
I’m telling you, based on my results, it will make all the difference in the world.
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
Or…check out some of my free reports to help you get on the right track:
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