When is it OK to interrupt? Here are some scenarios when it is OK to interrupt.
Silencing negative voices and thoughts
When doubt creeps in, you shut it up by filling your mind with positive thoughts. (Click to Tweet)


When it’s your own voice telling you:

You can’t.

It’s impossible.

You’ll never…

You’re too…


When someone else is telling you:

You can’t.

It’s impossible.

You’ll never…

You’re too…

When someone you love is telling you:

I’ll never…

I can’t.

I’m too…

It’s impossible.

In all three cases, it’s OK to interrupt. In fact, your success demands that you interrupt others talking negatively. Your love for someone else demands that you do. The very essence of our being and our worth from the Creator demands that you do. A life worth living demands that you stop every negative voice, shun every doubter and annihilate fear. (Tweet that)

How to interrupt yourself

When it’s your own voice lying to you, there is only one way to interrupt it.

Talk to yourself instead of listening to yourself.

That is from a comment from Bob Winchester on a previous post entitled The Voices in Your Head

When doubt creeps in, you shut it up by filling your mind with positive thoughts. Yes, that sounds simplistic…and it is. You drown out the negative noise with the truth.

How to interrupt others who are negative towards you

You will hear negative voices from others. Your parents, siblings, friends, and especially your in-laws will tell you that you are a dreamer, that you can’t do that, that you will never succeed.

There are three steps to interrupting them properly:

  1. Walk away. Nothing shuts up a Negative Nancy like lack of an audience. Kind of cruel you say? Well, the alternative is to sit there and listen to them shoot down your dreams. I guess that could turn out well.
  2. Share your dream. There is a good chance that if they truly care about you, they will buy-in and support you. Which means no more negativity.
  3. When all else fails…replace them. It might be time for new friends. If they are family, spend a lot less time with them and immediately shut down conversations that turn negative. Repeat step one as often as needed. Trust me, they will get the point eventually.

How to interrupt others who are negative towards themselves

If you truly love someone, I call on you to help them overcome their negative voices.

Do exactly what you do for yourself: drown out their voices of defeat, lack, and fear with your voice of positive words of affirmation. Remind them of every victory in their past. Share success stories from others.

When you believe in someone else, you are speaking the very words of life into them. You give them hope and you help them to overcome whatever is holding them back.

When you hear a loved one saying they can’t do something or will never overcome an obstacle, interrupt them. Talk louder than they are talking. Shout if you have to. Gesture wildly. Make a scene.

But don’t you dare let them continue with one more lie.

Remember what Bob said:

Talk to yourself instead of listening to yourself.

And apply it to others as well.

How can you interrupt your own negative talk and that of others?


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

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11 thoughts on “It’s OK to Interrupt Negative Voices, Thoughts, and People

  1. Mark Sieverkropp says:

    Haha. You crack me up Matt “I guess that could turn out well…”

    You’re so right though! Sometimes we absolutely need to interrupt.

    I’ve heard it said that you’re mind is like a stage and only one actor can be on it at one time. So if you start thinking negative, the absolute best thing is to replace it with positive–better yet, proactively put positive information and voices in your head!

    Thanks for the great post!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      I love the stage analogy Mark! That is awesome.

      1. Mark Sieverkropp says:

        II would love to take credit for it, but alas, I can’t! It is good though, huh?

  2. Let's Grow Leaders says:

    Beautiful. Great leaders know how to interrupt gracefully. Interruption is vital.

  3. Katherine Leicester says:

    This post just described yesterday, Matt.

    And I don’t interrupt myself gracefully, or softly. I sing. Recite scripture. Review my goals, anything to get mad and rise above the discouragement and despair that niggles at me regularly.

    I think getting mad is helpful to me because of the D personality style, sort of a “remember who you are” thing.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Anger is a great motivator. Get mad at mediocrity!

      1. Katherine Leicester says:

        Yes! Yet another reason I follow your blog religiously, Matt.

  4. Jon Stolpe says:

    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
    whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

    I think it’s important to fill our minds with things/words that are positive. This is one of the reasons I read the blogs I read and listen to the podcasts I listen to. They fill my mind with things that are positive.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Well said Jon! Same here.

  5. Lily Kreitinger says:

    The “replace them” part is the hardest. They’ll yell from behind your back “you think you’re better than everyone else”! There’s a reason they are behind you, though…

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Yep. They’ll be loud for a while. Eventually they will exhaust themselves and shut up though.

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