
Recommended Affiliate Program: The Secrets of Success with Russell Brunson

by | Oct 19, 2023 | Affiliate Programs

I haven’t been this excited about an affiliate program since…well, it’s been a very, VERY long time. I cannot recommend a single affiliate program more than I do The Secrets of Success with Russell Brunson and Justin Benton. If you aren’t sure if it’s the right affiliate program for you, read more below.

russell brunson affiliate program for secrets of success

As I’m writing this, I just got off a phone call with Justin Benton (Russell Brunson’s partner in The Secrets of Success) and I was blown away.

My affiliate management agency has run more than 50 affiliate programs for folks like Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Michael Hyatt, Ryan Levesque, Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, Stu McLaren, and other highly successful entrepreneurs. We’ve also worked with huge companies like Adidas and Shutterfly. I’ve personally coached the affiliate teams for Jeff Walker, Tony Robbins, and Dean Graziosi. And I’ve worked with more than 320,000 affiliates.

And I’ve never come across an affiliate program that I was more excited about than The Secrets of Success.

(To be clear, I’m equally excited about all of our clients’ programs and you can check out our recommended affiliate programs here…I’m just saying I’ve never been MORE excited about one than Russell’s.)

OK, with all that said, WHY am I so excited about The Secrets of Success affiliate program?

Why I’m Excited About The Secrets of Success Affiliate Program

REASON #1: It’s Napolean Freakin’ Hill

Napoleon Hill’s books have had a greater impact on me than just about anyone else’s books.

His magnum opus Think and Grow Rich, is one of the foundational books of the entire self-help, personal growth genre. And cool side note…Russell and The Secrets of Success team got the rights to use the name “Think and Grow Rich” (see below). It’s the first time ANYONE has ever been granted that right.

Think and Grow Rich showed me for the first time (in college) the power of the human mind. It led to success in sports, business, and life in general.

As you probably know, it has motivated generations to pursue their dreams, set goals, and maintain a positive mental attitude. His emphasis on the role of belief and persistence has encouraged people like Russell to overcome challenges and turn adversity into opportunity. Many successful individuals, including Russell, attribute their achievements to the principles outlined by Hill, including the importance of goal-setting, faith, and the cultivation of a success-oriented mindset.

His words continue to inspire countless individuals from all walks of life, empowering them to strive for their fullest potential, chase their dreams, and ultimately, think and grow rich in every sense of the word.

REASON #2: It’s Russell Freakin’ Brunson

Russell Brunson is right up there with Napoleon Hill in terms of educating me…albeit in an entirely different way.

Russell brunson and napoleon hill think and grow rich affiliate programRussell is one of only a few marketing teachers who I actually trust to learn from. He not only talks the talk, but he walks the walk.

Because of that, I kind of feel like I owe him to support his life’s mission.

He’s also a long-time student of The Secrets of Success. He’s read the books, studied the greats, and most importantly, put what he’s learned into practice running his $100M+ company, ClickFunnels. He’s a self-described “bibliomaniac” and has spent roughly $15 MILLION on old, first-edition (some of which are unpublished) books written by some of the great personal development authors in the late 1800s and early 1900s (such as Think and Grow Rich).

In other words, he has access to the greatest library of personal development probably on the planet. Pretty freakin’ cool.

REASON #3: The “Think and Grow Rich” brand & The “Think and Grow Rich” Challenge

As I mentioned above, Russell and The Secrets of Success team got the rights to use the “Think and Grow Rich” name.

Because of that, they are FIRST people ever to have permission to do something like the “Think and Grow Rich” Challenge.

Every month, The Secrets of Success team will have new challenges to attract new customers. It combines the best of the evergreen world (you can promote anytime) with launch world (event-based promotions).

REASON #4: Justin Benton

Prior to about 2 weeks ago, I’d never heard of Justin Benton. Then, a mutual friend said we HAD to talk.

Affiliate Manager Justin Benton and Russell Brunson of Secrets of SuccessAnd we did…and boy did we hit it off! (Our mutual friend, who was on our first call, said we might be brothers…not sure about that, but we definitely are two peas in the proverbial pod.)

Here’s the thing about Justin…like with Russell, this is more than just a business venture. This is a MISSION. And he’s ALL-IN!

I trust that he’ll get me (and you) whatever I need as an affiliate promoting this (did I mention that I’m promoting this, too…yeah, that’s how much I believe in it).

REASON #5: The Financial Side

Yeah…I’m a capitalist and an entrepreneur. I run a business and employ a growing team of people who depend on me and my business for their livelihood…so making money is kind of important.

While I love the mission, the COmissions are equally important.

The Secrets of Success Affiliate Commissions

This is my favorite part…

Russell and Justin are paying out 40% LIFETIME residual affiliate commissions!

PLUS…they are paying a second-tier commission of 10%. That means if you refer other affiliates, you make 10% off all of their sales!

So, if you know even just 5 decent affiliates who do even just $10,000 in sales each and you refer them to Justin or through your special second-tier affiliate link, you’ll make $5,000 in affiliate commissions. Just for referring them. A quick email, text, or DM could net you thousands of dollars. Crazy, right?

The offer is FREE on the front end, which makes it easy for you to promote, but there are some awesome backend opportunities to earn commissions. It really is the best of both worlds.

Check out the FREE offers (pretty amazing if you ask me…MASSIVE value to your audience):

Free offer for the Secrets of Success affiliate program

Russell Brunson's affiliate offer for Secrets of Success

Based on the early results from affiliates I know plus our own campaigns, you should be look at roughly at $5.00-8.00 EPC (Earnings Per Click). Of course, this depends on your audience, marketing methods, etc. but this is one of the higher EPCs I’ve seen for a free front-end offer.

There is so much more I could share, but you get the gist…and I hope I’ve convinced you to join The Secrets of Success affiliate program right now!

How would you like to have your affiliate program featured?