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How Successful Businesses are Built on Failure

How Successful Businesses are Built on Failure

Most successful businesses are built on ONE thing…and it’s not the right idea, talent, or timing. It’s FAILURE. And the reason why most businesses don’t succeed and don’t make it past their first year or two is very simple…they don’t fail enough. Today, I’ll share how successful businesses are built on failure, how to use your failures as a catalyst to success, and how to test, test, test your way to success.

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7 Commitments That Will Turn Your Life Around In 2021

7 Commitments That Will Turn Your Life Around In 2021

I made HUGE leaps in my business and my life by making 7 commitments and I share them in this video. The lesson I share is applicable not only to business, but to all aspects of your life. 3 years ago, I made these 7 commitments and it transformed my entire life…and I’m sharing them all with you right here!

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How To Create Authority And Build An Audience…Even If No One Knows Who You Are

How To Create Authority And Build An Audience…Even If No One Knows Who You Are

I had a very special guest join me for a very special lesson. If you want to know how to create authority and grow an audience in your niche…even if NO ONE knows who the heck you are, this lesson is for YOU! If you’ve been struggling to build your audience and create a name for yourself in your niche, NOW is the time to fix that. Ray Brehm is the guru’s guru, helping entrepreneurs of all sizes establish authority, spread their message, and increase their impact and influence. He joined me for a special lesson revealing some of his best strategies for building YOUR business even if you are a complete unknown right now! Come join us and you won’t be an unknown for very long!

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