I’m going to be teaching something that might seem a little “woo woo” at first. I’ll be sharing how to use visualization to write better emails. Emails that get read. Emails that get clicked. Emails that convert. All using the power of a simple visualization exercise that I’ll walk you through LIVE video.
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The #1 Key for ANY Business
For the longest time, I ran my business pretty much by the seat of my pants. Maybe you can relate. One of my biggest faults was that I wasn’t CLEAR on who I served. Once I got crystal clear on who I served, business was a heck of a lot easier! I realized later that getting that clarity was by far the #1 key to my success…in fact, nothing else was even CLOSE! If you want that clarity, too, listen up to this episode!
Why I HATE the Term Affiliate Manager
Managers are for fast food restaurants, not affiliate programs. I’ve decided I can’t stand…no, I HATE the term affiliate manager. I share why in this episode.
Why You Aren’t Succeeding with Affiliate Promos
Why are your affiliate promos failing? I got an email recently that said this: “I need help! I belong to several affiliate programs…I post them [everywhere]. I get clicks but no sales.” So why are his affiliate promos failing? For ONE reason…which I share in today’s episode.
Secrets of Successful Podcasts with Joe Fier
How do you start, grow, and monetize a podcast? Today’s guest has the answers to all of those! Joe Fier is one of the hosts of the wildly successful Hustle and Flowchart Podcast and today he shares all of his secrets for starting a podcast, getting amazing guests, growing your listeners, and monetizing your show.
WARNING: Do Not Hire an Affiliate Manager
This might surprise you to hear me say this, but you do NOT need to hire an affiliate manager to run your affiliate program. In fact, today I’m going to share 3 reasons you absolutely should NOT do hire one…and what to do instead!