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Stu McLaren: How to Create Recurring Revenue NOW!

Stu McLaren: How to Create Recurring Revenue NOW!

A lot of businesses (including ours) that are more focused on launches and large influxes of cash in a short time are paying the price during this pandemic. Thankfully, last year we learned from my friend Stu McLaren how to create recurring revenue. This consistent, monthly revenue is sustaining us through this challenging time. So I asked him to share with you why there has never been a better time to start creating recurring revenue with his favorite method, a membership site.

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The Page That Makes Me an Average of $10,823 a Month…

The Page That Makes Me an Average of $10,823 a Month…

Do you want to know single page on my site that brings in an average of $10,823 month after month over the past three years? One page…$10k a month. It’s my Resources page. In this live lesson I share exactly what a resources page is…and how you can create your own similar page on your site! Oh, and it’s the 3rd most visited page on my site. It’s the page I reference repeatedly throughout the year when I talk about certain books, tools, courses, software, or helpful sites. And it’s made me nearly half a million dollars in the past five years! In this live lesson I dig into 7 tips for creating YOUR resources page and I even review 3 great resources pages that our students have created – sharing what I like and don’t like about each one.

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