I want to introduce you to my friend Mike Berry. Mike has 8 kids…all adopted. Today, Mike and his wife Kristin help adoptive parents deal with the stress, overwhelm, and worry that are so common. In this episode, Mike shares his secret to being invited to speak on a ton of stages AND get paid a bunch of money to do it…and the things he shares can make a HUGE impact on your business, regardless of whether you want to speak in front of large audiences, sell products and services online or gather a following for any cause you desire!
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When is the Right Time to Bring on Affiliates for My Product?
When should you bring on affiliate partners to promote your product? My answer to this question is probably not what you think. Yes, I’m “The Affiliate Guy” and I love affiliates. I’ve run affiliate programs for some of the top companies and entrepreneurs in the world. And I think everyone should have affiliates for their products. There is simply no better way to grow your business. But there is a right time and a wrong time to bring on affiliates…and that is what this post is all about!
The Joy is in the Journey
It’s so cliché to say that the joy is in the journey and not in the destination, but it is so true. When I look back on my life in sports, business, and overall, I consistently find that the joy is in the journey. It’s in the process. It’s in the day-to-day grind. The journey might be hard, but if you can find joy in it each and every day, you will eventually reach your destination…and it will be better than you could have ever imagined!
My Last Episode EVER Like This
This is the last episode I’m ever doing like this. Today, I’m sharing a recap of one of our best affiliate promotions ever that I did with Mark Sieverkropp. The thing is…this is the last time I’m ever doing one of these publicly. I share why in this episode and how you can STILL get get these Backstage Passes going forward.
The Constantly Changing World of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is constantly changing. But keeping up with the times and knowing what’s working RIGHT NOW doesn’t have to be hard. Today, for our 300th (!!!!) episode, I’ll share how you can start unlocking the secrets of folks just like you who are increasing their affiliate commissions by 2X, 3X, and even 10X…WITHOUT becoming slaves to their businesses.
The REAL Definition of Insanity in Online Business
I keep seeing this over and over and it’s so pervasive in the online marketing world. People keep learning and learning, but they aren’t executing. To me, that is the REAL definition of insanity. So, today I challenge you to stop the insanity and take ACTION!