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Top 9 Podcasts Affiliate Marketers Should be Listening To

Top 9 Podcasts Affiliate Marketers Should be Listening To

Like many online marketers, I am an avid listener of podcasts. Today, I’m sharing my top 10 podcasts for affiliate marketers. This list is all about helping you be a better affiliate or run your own affiliate program. I also share a big announcement, so read on.

Strategies for affiliate marketing with Matthew Loomis

The following is not a comprehensive list of all the podcasts that I personally listen to. Nor is it a comprehensive list of every single podcast that an affiliate marketer should listen to.

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Case Study: How Dave Gambrill ROCKS Affiliate Launch Leaderboards!

Case Study: How Dave Gambrill ROCKS Affiliate Launch Leaderboards!

Recently I interviewed my friend Dave Gambrill about how he has rocked recent affiliate promotions. Dave shared insights into how he has been able to serve his audience while promoting affiliate offers, as well as what he looks for when choosing which products to promote. This is my favorite interview ever!

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Promoting Online Courses with JV Partners (Part 1)

Promoting Online Courses with JV Partners (Part 1)

How can you get the most from launching your online course? Devin Slavin interviewed me for his Online Course Creation Summit and I answered the very question. You won’t be surprised by my answer: Joint Venture (JV) Partners (AKA Affiliates). In this two-part interview, I share the exact strategies we use to find, recruit, and motivate affiliates for our clients and our own products.

Podcast episode about building your business around affiliate marketing

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