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How To Know If Your Launch Will Be Successful

How To Know If Your Launch Will Be Successful

Recently, I got an email from a subscriber who asked what criteria I had for what should be in place to ensure that her first product launch would be successful. It would be nice if it was that easy…just check all the boxes and your success would be guaranteed! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. However, in this video, I respond to her question and share what she SHOULD do to maximize her chances of success.

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What Does Your Audience Expect from You? [PODCAST]

What Does Your Audience Expect from You? [PODCAST]

One way or another, you are conditioning your audience. I recently did a Facebook Live about conditioning your audience to click and buy, but what about the way you deliver your content? How are you conditioning your audience? And are you delivering on their expectations? In this episode, I share another HUGE takeaway from my trip to Blackberry Farm…this one from Jeff Walker.

Podcast episode about building your business around affiliate marketing

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