
My New Cards

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Thank You Revolution Archive

Happy Thursday!

I just got my new cards yesterday!

I’m pretty excited because they are, by far, the nicest cards I’ve ever had. They look professional, classy, and stylish. They stand out, make a statement, and make me look good.

Here’s what the front looks like. Pretty nice, huh?

Matt's New Thank You Cards

Surely, when I write thank you notes now, everyone will be impressed…right?


Why do I share that with you?
So you’ll be impressed two? Perhaps a little. But mostly to make this point…

My most effective, heart-warming, and meaningful thank you notes were not written on fancy stationery.

They were written on sticky notes. On bathroom mirrors. On torn off sheets of paper taped to the milk carton in the fridge or hidden in our daughter’s pajama drawer. Or on a piece of yellow pad paper with a scented candle for our mail lady.

I’m glad I have some nice cards for clients and prospects. But the notes that people will remember will likely be the ones you wrote on a whim, with no stationery or nice pen around.

Today’s takeaway: Don’t let anything hold you back from expressing your written thanks to someone today.

Today’s question: What is one creative way you’ve left someone a thank you note? Click here to share your answer in the comments section.

With Gratitude,

Matt McWilliams

Matt McWilliams.com | Life. Leadership. Love. Learned the Hard Way

Tiny Prints Thank You Cards