I learned a lot of lessons in 2021. I learned some the hard way, some through courses and books, and others from my friends. But I was constantly learning new lessons and being reminded of others. Today, I share my top 10 lessons from 2021 and what they mean for you in 2022 and beyond.
Click Here for The Written Transcript of This Episode
Links Mentioned in this Episode
How to Write a Review Post that Ranks and Converts
Affiliate Insider Monthly $1 Trial
Mark Miller’s Smart Leadership Book Launch
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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy
My Top 10 Mistakes of 2021 and What You Can Learn From Them
Top Affiliate Managers Reveal Their Holiday Strategies
What Top Affiliates are Doing This Holiday Season
Overcoming 5 Myths About Holiday Affiliate Promotions
7 Holiday Content Ideas for Affiliate Marketers
7 Things Your Affiliates Need During Holiday Promotions
My Top 10 Lessons of 2021 and What They Mean for YOU!
I learned a lot of lessons in 2021. I learned some the hard way. I learned some through courses and learned some through books. I learned others from friends and masterminds, but I was constantly learning new lessons and being reminded of others. Now, today I’m going to share my top 10 lessons from this year and what they mean for you in 2022 and beyond.
So if you missed the last episode in that one, I shared my top mistakes of 2021. And I joked that was probably the most painful episode I’ve ever recorded.
This one’s going to be more fun because I get to share the good stuff. I get to share things that I learned. And as I said at the top some of these lessons are lessons I learned from mistakes. Some of these lessons are lessons I learned just through trial and error sometimes through months. I wouldn’t call them mistakes.
I was just learning. Some of these are lessons I learned through books. Some of these are the lessons I learned from friends and clients and mastermind groups, lessons I learned from affiliates, and lessons I learned from just doing things. Some of these are reminders. These are things where it’s like, it popped in my head one day,
shaving, going for a walk, working out. I’m like, oh my gosh, I forgot about that thing that was such a big thing in our business five years ago and I just forgot about it. I forgot a principle. I forgot something that was important to our business. So I’m going to jump right into those lessons.
I’ve got some notes here and I know I’m going to mention some links. So all these links are going to be in the show notes. I’ll mention them during the episode, but all of these links are also in the show notes, make sure you go check those out.
1) Affiliate Marketing is Changing and Evolving
Affiliate marketing is changing, it’s evolving and the tactics are different.
They’re changing and evolving, but the fundamentals are the same, it is so easy for me to get caught up in the fact that affiliate marketing is changing. If you think about it like in the past year, we’ve had a big Google update. We’ve had updates to the Facebook algorithms and the way that Instagram and LinkedIn process things, we’ve had massive updates to things like cookies and tracking but here’s the deal. The principles, the fundamentals are the same. The principles, the fundamentals are to pick the right products and you can’t promote a bad product.
You can’t promote a product that is a bad fit for your audience. You sell like you’re selling to a friend. I don’t care if you’re doing it on social media, via email in person, on a podcast, on a Facebook Live, you sell like you’re selling to a friend. You go all in. We talked about this a few episodes ago. You go all in, you treat it like it’s your own promo. If it’s a launch, you treat it like it’s your own launch. You plan. We’ll talk more about that in a little bit.
You sell with confidence, you sweeten the pot with bonuses. You do what others won’t. So you can have what others don’t as Inky Johnson says those are principles. Now, how you do that changes, how you do that over time changes if we were doing affiliate marketing in 1997, it was like posting forums and maybe you had an email list.
Five years ago. I was a big advocate of setting up a live chat. Now you use Facebook and Instagram, DMs, SEO tactics, SEO strategies change every two to three years, but the principles are the same. I share the principles. We have a guide about how to write a review post that ranks in converts and it’s all about how do you write a product review as an affiliate that not only ranks on Google, you get a top-five listing because you have to have a high listing or getting traffic, but it also converts because you write it just for the SEO and it’s like the post sucks and nobody clicks on anything and you don’t make any money. Anyway, you can rank number one and never convert anybody. So we write about that and the principles are the same.
In fact, I think we added two new things for 2021. If you want to go download it, you can go grab it. Mattmcwilliams.com/reviewposts. We’ll put that in the, in the show notes, but as the core of that document, that PDF, it’s, I don’t know, 10 or 12 pages.
If you are ready to take your business to the next level and start an affiliate program, start with my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates. This report takes nearly two decades of experience, trial and error, and lessons learned about finding top affiliates in nearly every conceivable niche and puts them all into one report. Grab your copy here!
We only made it like 4% longer for 2021. Now there are two important updates in there for 2021, please don’t misunderstand me. These are important updates. But if you didn’t do these two things, could you not rank number one? No, you could. It would just be harder. Maybe you might rank number two instead of number one, then you add these two things and now you rank number one. Okay. That’s a win. Don’t misunderstand me, but the principals name your images correctly, make sure you use the right keywords, longers. Those are principles of SEO. Those are principles of review posts, those are the principles of affiliate marketing.
Launches are shorter, we did a study of over a hundred launches in 2021 versus over 200 launches in 2017. The average this year was 13.6 days. The average just four years ago was 17.4. I mean that’s almost four less days, but the principles of those launches are the same. When you look at the phases, before phases, just each one of them is like a day to a half a day shorter, that’s it? But the principles are the same. So it’s important to keep up with the changes, what’s going on in the affiliate marketing world. That’s why our Affiliate Insider Monthly is all about that. It’s all about keeping up with those changes and what’s new and what’s what are the new things that are going on this month?
I did a whole report on my predictions for 2022, and I’m been really good at those things. They’re based on a lot of studies. So you want to know what’s going on. You join Affiliate Insider Monthly-AIM, and we can get a $1 trial. We’ll put a link to that in the show notes as well but the principles are really what drive everything.
2) Hustle Wins
Hustle wins, hustle wins, but don’t hustle just because you didn’t plan or because you’re busy hustle works when it’s combined with proper planning. I think of Michelle Carolina, I interviewed her for our affiliate insider monthly insider profile. Earlier this year, she hustled this promo that we interviewed her and she made over 25 sales.
I think it was exactly 25 sales. Actually. She never made an affiliate sale before a $2,000 product. You can do the math on that. It’s $50,000 in sales. It’s $20,000 in commissions. She had a plan and she hustled and she did the things she did individual reach out. She had personal DMs and things like that. She didn’t work a hundred hours on this affiliate promotion because she had a plan. She hustled, but she had a plan.
Heidi Easily, the same thing. She made 150 or 60 sales a hundred more than a hundred thousand dollars in commissions with not a ridiculously huge list in a niche that isn’t even really her niche, personal reach-outs hustle, but she had a plan and she followed it. She stuck to it.
Sarah Williams, I interviewed her for AIM for an insider profile. I mean, I think about her. She hustled, she went from nine sales last year to over 180 this year winning the hundred thousand dollars first-place prize in Stu McLaren’s TRIBE launch. How’d she done that? She hustled, but she had a plan.
My friend, Paul Pruitt, the same thing, hustles, but has a plan. You got to hustle, but you have a plan. You gotta create a plan and stick to it and then hustle within that plan. That plan restricts you from chasing things and it ended up working 14 hours a day because like I could do this and I could do this and they could do this. How much of those extra 11 things are going to move the needle? Oh, you’re going to, I’m going to spend an extra five hours and make one sale. That’s not a good trade-off, but if you have a plan, you can hustle within that plan and succeed. So create a plan, go download our promo plan template. It’s free Mattmcwilliams.com/promoplanning. We’ll put that link in the show notes, go watch. If you’re a member of the Affiliate Insider Monthly, go watch Michelle’s and Heidi’s and Sarah’s, and we’ll have Paul’s coming out.
We’re going to do an interview with Paul here in the next few weeks. That’ll be coming out in the new year, go watch those, go watch those and study how they hustled within the framework of a plan. If you’re not an AIM, I shared how to, how to get in on that.
3) Start Giving up Things in Your Desired Zone
When you reach a certain level, you’re going to have to start giving up things in your desired zone. I talked about this in the last episode and I shared the different zones. I said in that episode, I shared one thing that we got from Michael Hyatt or in his coaching program you have that the desired zone, which is where you enjoy something in your skill at. So there are two things you imagine, a vertical line and a horizontal line skill and enjoyment level.
So if you enjoy it and you’re skilled at it, it’s in your desire zone. If you hate it and you suck at it, that’s your drudgery zone. If you enjoy it, but you’re not skilled at it. That’s the distraction zone and if you hate it, but you’re skilled at it. That’s the disinterest zone. I talked about, first, you got to eliminate those drudgery things.
You gotta eliminate the stuff you suck at and you hate doing, you just don’t have you’re bad and it’s drudgery, right. Well, then I eliminated the distraction zone or the disinterest zone. Those are the things I’m actually okay at may be above average, at pretty good at, but I hate doing then I eliminated the distraction zone stuff that I suck at, but it’s like I kept some of the distractions on the stuff that I’m really, really good at and I got rid of those because it wasn’t the best use of my time. This year, over the last few months, I started eliminating things, even in my desired zone. The lesson is, it’s like I work on average right at about 40 hours a week somewhere in the neighborhood of 37 to 42, depending upon the time of year and I looked at my schedule and I said there are things that only I can do only I can go through and do the very first review of my book.
We’ll have an editor, do the editing. Somebody else can edit for grammar. Somebody else can edit for maybe this doesn’t flow as well. But for the concepts, I have to be the one to do that. Well, editing a 117,000 word book, which was the initial draft. That’s not quick, it’s not quick at all.
It takes me about 45 minutes to edit roughly a thousand words. You can do the math. It’s a lot of hours. So I had to eliminate things even in my desire zone to make use of my highest leverage time. That was hard. But sometimes we have to do that. We have to give up things that are even in that desire zone and you look at it and go, okay. Yeah, I’m a nine out of 10 in the enjoyment level and I’m a nine out of 10 in the skill level. I want to go find somebody who’s a 10 out of 10 in both. That was a big, big shift for us this year.
4) You Have to Kill Parts of Your Business
Another tough one. Sometimes you have to kill parts of your business, good as the enemy of great and you have to kill things in your business that you love and are profitable and fun and have helped your business in many, many ways and we did that this year, actually just in the past week, we killed our mastermind. We decided we’re not killing it permanently, but temporarily we ended our start mastermind and it is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. It’s been on our agenda and my weekly meeting with my business partner/wife, Tara, it’s been on the agenda since August to talk about it and decide if we wanted to do that.
The mastermind has benefited me in so many ways because I’m intimately involved with, a small group of people who are our target audience and I learn a lot about them and we get to work together and it helps me get insight into my audience. So it’s been beneficial to me. I think about our team, our graphic designer Jim member of START, my co-host and one of my dear friends,
Alan Thomas member of START, our customer service rep for quite some time, Mary Mitchell was in the START. And so it was a great place to hire from too. we were getting some great team members it’s like an extended interview, but yeah, we had to kill it to make room for some higher-level things for us. sometimes you gotta do that.
5) Go Big On Day One
This was a big one. This was a really big one here. This was particular for product launches as an affiliate, but also as an affiliate manager go big on day one. So cart open day specifically, I talk a lot about the final day, the final day can be 50% of your sales and you got to go big.
You got to send five emails. Yes, you do. But this year I focus more on the day. One day. One was a day I was missing out on. And if you looked at overall, the average launch, 23% of their sales were coming on day one. For me, it was less than 10%. It was like about right around eight and a half, 9%.
I’m like, well, how do I get up to at least 20%? The thing is people either want to be the first to buy a new product. They get caught up in the excitement or they hold off until they’re forced to make a decision scarcity, right. They’re going to miss out on price rises , the product goes away, whatever. So tap into those first-day folks. Yes. Email five times on cart, close day. We started doing three emails on the first day on the cart, open day three emails, especially if they have a fast action bonus.
So if they have a fast action bonus, we’d mail first thing in the morning, okay. Cart opens at 8:00 AM. Eastern boom. We sent an email at 8:00 AM Eastern and we started promoting it 8:00 AM Eastern. We sent another email sometime around five, 6:00 PM. As we got closer to that fast action deadline. And then another one, usually around 11, 11:30 PM, leading up to the deadline for that fast action bonus.
If they don’t have a fast action bonus, we would create one of our own we’d offer one of our own and do the same thing, create some scarcity. So we could tap in this year, 21% of our sales happen on day one. So we weren’t quite, we hit the 20% goal. We were really hoping to get, even to the 23% range where the typical is we came pretty close. So go big on day one that’s lesson number five.
6) Everyone Needs Coaching.
Everyone needs coaching, we all have weak spots in our business. Even if you’re a legend, something that happened this past summer was a guy named Jeff Walker. Who invented the product launch. He’s one of the OGs, Original Gangsters old guys, whatever you want to say. A guy that I’ve looked up to for more than a decade, hired us to coach them on their affiliate program.
They have one of their best launches ever. Everyone needs coaching. So hire help in your weak areas. I hired a coach this year and I had a coach looked at me and said, you got to start an agency. I talked about this in the last episode. One of my big mistakes was holding off too long, but I have resisted it for six years and he finally explained to me how to do it. I got clarity, something that is going to be multiple seven figures for our business, that I’ve just been leaving on the table for the past six years.
I mean, yeah. I missed out on tens of millions of dollars. Well, oops but the lesson was, everyone needs coaching. If you run an affiliate program or your affiliate launch coach program, how it worked for Jeff Walker, it’s worked for dozens of others. It can work for you. So go to your affiliatelaunch,coach.com and apply we’ll have a conversation, see if you’re a good fit for it. If you need personal coaching, just general businesses, and we started offering this year. The results have been amazing. Absolutely amazing.
Whatever you need, go get coaching that is you’re struggling in your marriage. Go get, go get marriage coaching. Maybe you don’t need marriage counseling. Maybe you just need marriage coaching. You just need if you’re a husband, go find another man who’s successful at it. Who coaches men on how to be better husbands and go do parenting, whatever it is, Golf if you look at, there’s a reason why, if you look at the top 200 golfers in the world, 199 of them have a coach. The only one I can think of that’s up there is Bubba Watson who doesn’t Tiger Woods has a coach. Rory McIlroy has a coach. If you’re not a golfer, none of these names mean anything.
Even in a team sport like football, most Italyplayers, it’s not their head coach or their quarterback coach. That’s their coach. They’re taking care of the strategy and the plays. They have a personal coach. They work within the off-season. And even during the in-season on their mechanics, in their mind, they have sports psychologists. I think back to when I was in college,
I had a whole team. We had my dad who was my golf instructor, but I also had a short game coach who helped me specifically with putting in a little bit of chipping. I had a trainer and I had a sports psychologist, and actually, I had a trainer that worked on some stuff, but I also had a kinesiologist that I worked with that worked on specific limb movements and stretching and things like that.
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I mean, it works. You’ve got to have somebody who can help you get that clarity in your business. Because as I talked about last time, you get stuck inside your head. Go check out your affiliate launch coach, or email me at Matt@Mattmcwilliams.com. If you’re interested in coaching.
7) 20 Minutes a Day
Lesson number seven was a huge one, a life-changing one, it’s going to have an impact for 20 years plus, 20 minutes a day consistently is magic 20 minutes a day, whatever it is, this started for me in late February, we’re leading up to a big launch multiple seven-figure launches with Stu McLaren and my life got hectic. I’ve got a podcast and I’ve got the weekly live lessons and I’ve got our affiliate insider monthly content, and I’ve got to run the business and I’ve got to communicate with the team. I’ve got to lead this.
We’ve got this going on. We got this project and I was also writing a book and I wasn’t done with it yet. I planned on being done by this time, but I still had about three chapters to go roughly about 30,000 words.
There was no way I could continue to spend an hour to an hour and 15 minutes working on this book. And I met with Robby from our team. And I just said, dude, who’s a productivity expert and was like, I gotta need some help, man. I don’t know what to do.
I can’t stop writing it. I need to keep the momentum and he’s like, well if you spent 20 minutes a day, I think I said 15 minutes a day, spent 15 minutes a day. And I said I like 17 minutes. I’m going to do 17 minutes. I’m going to say, I’m going to start writing.
That gives me three minutes. If I go to 20 and I would set a timer, I set that timer for 17 minutes when it went off. If I was at a good stopping point, I stopped. Otherwise I knew I had three minutes to finish and that was it. People think they need hours. They need these large blocks, but that’s not always possible.
So I want you to make excuses. There’s no excuse. There was no excuse for me not to write for 17 minutes. I really, as busy as I am. I can’t find 17 minutes. If you think about the Eisenhower matrix, right? The quadrants, right. quadrant one is urgent and important. Quadrant two is important but not urgent. Then you have quadrant three, which is urgent, but not important. Quadrant four is neither or whatever, whatever it is in quadrant two, it’s important, but not urgent commit to 20 minutes a day consistently. I didn’t need to write the book then, I could have just finished a book in May, but I felt like it was a quadrant two thing.
It could be writing. It could be reading. It could be arithmetic. It could be meditating. It could be prayer stretching. It could be a hundred percent focused time with your spouse. Well, I don’t have time to spend. You don’t have 20 minutes, 20 minutes just to have a conversation with your spouse for 20 minutes, you don’t have to I can’t.
I’d like to spend three hours. Okay, well maybe we’ll get there one day. But how about 20 minutes when you can, be intentional about it. Writing notes to people, memorizing quotes. That was something I did. I did 10 minutes a day, spent 10 minutes a day, just memorizing quotes so that I could have them at the ready when I’m doing things and not keep saying, why is, so-and-so, says something like this working on your speech. I got to spend an hour and a half a day working on speech. No. What about 20 minutes a day? Something’s 10 minutes for me, that’s meditating and reading. I spend 10 minutes a day meditating. That’s it like 11, by the time I finished and whatnot but it’s 10 minutes. I listened to a lot of books, but I only read for about 10 minutes a day until my bedtime reading. And then I read stuff and fall asleep. That’s it. But I do it consistently 10 minutes a day. I set a timer and I read for 10 minutes and I get one nugget sometimes. But I focus on doing that consistently for 10 minutes. I don’t read for three hours one day and then nothing for two weeks, 10 minutes, a day, 20 minutes a day, whatever it is, consistency is the key.
8) Writing a Book is Hard, but Well Worth it
I’ve got three more for you and then a bonus one lesson number eight is that writing a book is hard, but well worth it. This goes above and beyond getting, we landed our dream publisher. Benbella we’ve got the book coming out, January 2023, Turning Your Passions Into Profits. I’m so excited about even though it’s 13 months from now, my dream publisher, BenBella, it’s going to be distributed by Penguin Random House, the largest publisher in the entire world.
I mean, it’s huge. My bookshelf was full of books by Benbella. They published some of my favorite books. I love them. It’s not that, here’s what I got out of a book that was the most amazing thing. Clarified my message, writing the book and then editing the book and reading through the book, and testing out the content. I’ve dialed it in my messages clear and that’s been a huge help. So I’m not saying you have to write a book. I’m saying it’s hard. I’m over 300 hours into it now, between writing it and editing and all that mean you think 300 hours, I’m getting close to 10 full weeks of full business weeks. It’s hard, but it’s well worth it.
9) Everything is a System
You have to systematize everything in your business. Then you teach the system and people know how to do it. I had this mistake thinking that business was about hiring rock stars. I thought that to go start an agency, I had to hire rockstars. I had to know I had to go out and hire people who already knew how to run an affiliate program.
That’s wrong. There’s a reason why Southwest airlines don’t hire former flight attendants from American Airlines because they don’t want people to come in and go although “We used to do it this way, but American, we did it this way” now. Yeah. You want to hire rockstars in some roles. If you’re hiring your CFO, you want to hire a rockstar, hiring an operations manager you want to hire a rockstar but other roles can be taught like I said, in our agency, we’re teaching people who may not have known the first thing about affiliate management, how to do it.
We’re teaching them the system and they’re doing amazing. Oh my gosh, they’re doing amazing. I can’t believe it. They’re doing more amazing than I even could have dreamed because they have a system. That’s the key. You have to create systems so that you can hire people. What my coach said was this it’s about taking unskilled labor and getting them to massively overachieve. That’s what a system does.
10) Everything Hinges on Leadership
I’ve been working with Mark Miller. Who’s the author of like half a dozen books on leadership. Amazing guy, working on his, his book launch for running his affiliate program for his new book, smart leadership, by the way, check that I’m going to put a link in the show notes, check that out. If you go to Mattmcwilliams.com/smart leadership, you can sign up to be an affiliate for that. I think it’d be a great opportunity for you if you’ve got an audience, but from him, from his books that I listened to after we signed on with him, other books like multipliers interviewed Jeff Brown earlier this year. And he mentioned that was his favorite book, the most impactful book.
Here are some of the lessons I learned about leadership this year:
a) I need to listen more, ask a lot of questions, stop having all the answers, ask a lot of questions.
b) I need to ask every day how I can serve my team and then ask them, how can I serve you today?
c) Stop providing the solution let smart people come up with them.
These are smart people. I’ve got people on my team who have master’s degrees and even with bachelor’s degrees in economics, and I’m a college dropout these are smart people. Let them come up with a solution, give them ownership of roles and projects. My role is coach and guide. That’s my role.
Stretch People, give them more responsibility than they think they can handle. This was a big one from, I think this was from a Liz Wyman’s book, Multipliers. I’m most helpful when I don’t help. It’s parenting advice right there. Making others smarter was a big lesson for me. Don’t be the go-to guy. Stop being the go-to guy. If people have to come to me for every answer, they’re never going to think for themselves.
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One thing that I’ve been applying in the interview process, try to talk them out of it, allow them to interview me, and tell them, Hey, here’s where we’re weak. Here’s what might annoy you about working for me and working with us. And here are the problems with our company. You still want to work with us amazingly. Everybody does. It’s weird. Then create a compelling vision, create core values, and a mission. These are not like cliches. These are important lessons.
11) Create a Theme
I could not just do 10 because I have an 11th. I had to share with you, this was something I shared with a coaching client earlier today that I wanted to share with you guys is a big lesson for this year is you’ve got to create a theme for each day of your launch. So this applies to affiliates and affiliate managers. If you’re an affiliate manager, you need to give your affiliates a theme. If you’re an affiliate, you need to create a theme if they don’t give you one.
You can’t just say, well, there’s a summit that I’m promoting, or there’s a challenge that we’re running, whatever you need some variety. So the example that I gave from him, it’s a seven-day promo leading up to a challenge, and here’s what I share with them.
Day 1 – You just kind of have an overall theme. We’ve got this challenge coming up, it’s in the health and fitness niche. So it’s basically gonna help people with weight loss. Hey, we got this thing. It’s the new year up. Boom, boom, boom.
Day 2 – I said, share a lesson, it’s a 30-day challenge. I said, pick one of the 30 days, one of the first five days, share a lesson, a portion of a lesson from one of the first few days, put in writing, and then give them, make them feel like they got something out of it and then encourage them to sign up with the challenge.
Daye 3 -I said announce something new, hold back. If you’ve got speakers, hold back a speaker. If you’ve got a bonus, hold back a bonus. That would be day three,
Day 4 – This would be the deadline for that bonus. If there was a bonus. So sign up today and you get X, right? This is a mid-promo bonus, right? So there’s some scarcity middle kind of in the messy middle there.
Day 5 – You share a success story. Somebody who maybe did this challenge or summit before and succeeded.
Day 6 – You have a lesson and you have a scarcity about it. Starting tomorrow.
Day 7- Of course is all scarcity. It starts today.
Day 8- The day after it starts, you say yesterday was amazing, but there’s still time to join.
So every day has a theme and you create that theme months in advance. You can share that with your affiliates and begin to start giving them ideas for things that they can share, or as an affiliate start writing that copy. So we ended up with 11.
Eleven lessons from 2021 the year. That was a crazy year for most people. I hope that it’s finishing strong for you and get you started off next year on the right foot.
I’m super excited about 2022 and yeah, I can’t wait for all that it has in store. So we’ve got some more great content coming up. Make sure that you come back for the next episode. We’ve got our 2022 affiliate marketing predictions. Make sure you hit that subscribe button that you share this with somebody, you go leave a rating and review like my friend Ray Abrahim,
I just saw his reviews. “Matt is a unique combination of guru and entertainer.” I don’t know about that. “I love this podcast because it was never a dull moment and the information is priceless and he has the same sense of humor as I do. That’s why Ray and I get along so well.” So Ray. Thank you for that. Reading your review guys hit the five stars, leave a review, hit subscribe, share, and I’ll see you in that next episode for my predictions for next year.
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
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