
If you are promoting something repeatedly, how do you keep it fresh? And who do you promote it to? That’s what I’ll share about in this episode.

Listen below:

Arye Barsky asked:

I wanted to ask for your opinion about promoting a launch (this launch) twice a year to the same list. I promoted Chandler’s last launch about six months ago. Should I promote only to the new subscribers or everyone? And if for all, how do I make it not look repetitive and nagging as this is not a fresh offer.

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4 Things You MUST Do to Go From Successful to VERY Successful

Why You Should Refer Other Affiliates and Earn a 2nd Tier Commission

Struggling with Sending too Many Affiliate Emails?

How to Use Click Funnels for Affiliate Marketing

The Best Way to Generate Passive Affiliate Income


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Learn How to Create a Resources Page

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Learn How to Write a Product Review

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