
When Are You Ready to Bring on Affiliates?

by | Sep 25, 2016 | Affiliate Management, Videos

Is there a right time in the lifecycle of a business to bring on the affiliates? It certainly depends on the company and the product, but in today’s video, I’ll share my thinking on this question. I’ll also show you how to decide what the right time is for you.

Every business and industry is different, but every business must go through the process I share before bringing on affiliates. This way, when they do, they are ready to perform well.

Watch the video to learn the process to follow before you bring on affiliates.

DON’T bring on affiliates right away — follow this formula to get ready for affiliates

Resources Mentioned in this Video

Facebook Ads

Where to Find Affiliates

VIDEO: What to do BEFORE you bring on affiliates

VIDEO: When to begin recruiting affiliates

Are you ready to bring on affiliates? If not, why?

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