Turn Your Passions Into Profits
The Proven Path for Building a Rewarding Online Business
NOTE: Some links on this page are affiliate links. That means I earn money if you buy through my link. This in no way affects my suggestions. I only recommend books I know, love, and trust.

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Marketing Books

Secrets of Closing the Sale
by Zig Ziglar
There is no other book that has influenced as many people in sales, marketing, and business than this one. I re-read this book every year or so for good reason. This is the FIRST book listed because every other marketing book listed on this page is influenced by Zig Ziglar and this one book. MUST-READ.

Expert Secrets
by Russell Brunson
If you want the starter book for building a successful online business, there is no better book than this. This is anoter book I refer to often because Russell lays out specific scripts, funnels, and language that I use on a daily basis. No single book has influenced the day-to-day tactics of our business more than this one.

by Ryan Levesque
I read this in-depth AFTER going through a private workshop with Ryan. I was surprised at how much detail he goes into in the book. ASK shows you how to know EXACTLY what your audience wants to buy, how to communicate with them, and ultimately how to make a LOT more sales.

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
by Robert Cialdini
I’ve read this book so many times I’ve lost count (at least 10). As the title suggests, it has 50 very specific ways to be more persuasive and each chapter is only about 4-5 pages long, so it’s great for short reading sessions. I recommend reading a single chapter a day to start with, thinking of a way to apply what you read.

Words That Work
by Robert Cialdini
This was the first book I ever read on copywriting and persuasion. The lessons have lasted nearly a decade. If you don’t know Frank Luntz, you surely know his work. He has led some of the most impactful campaigns (political and marketing) of all-time. Read this gem and learn how to use WORDS THAT WORK.

by Robert Cialdini
The title doesn’t suggest that this is a marketing book, but it is. In fact, it’s my favorite marketing book of all time. It’s all about the psychology of persuasion. Many of the “ninja tactics” you see in product launches and marketing campaigns today are a result of Cialdini’s work. Must-read for any marketer.

Dotcom Secrets
by Russell Brunson
This is literally Russell Brunson’s playbook for building an online business. When I read it, I expected a very surface-level overview of online marketing, but Russell went deep…WAY deep. He shows you how to build sales funnels that actually convert. Very impressed with this book. Got a lot of actionable ideas that we use every day in our business.

by Jeff Walker
This book is literally Jeff’s playbook for running multi-million dollar launches…in any industry. He walks you step-by-step from product creation through his proven Product Launch Formula. I highly recommend his course, but if budget is a factor, this will get you started really wel.

How to Write Copy That Sells
by Ray Edwards
Ray has written copy for Tony Robbins, Jeff Walker, Jack Canfield and more. Now, he reveals his playbook to the public. Ray is a client of ours and I’ve followed his stuff for years, so I was surprised at how much I learned from this book.

Stand Out
by Dorie Clark
If you’ve ever wanted a step-by-step tactical guide to building a following around your big idea, this is it. Dorie shows you how to take your expertise (which you already have) and build something big around it. FUN FACT: Dorie and I were born in the same small-town hospital in NC.

Made to Stick
by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
I read this book right after Words That Work and the two go extremely well together. This book explains why some ideas are “sticky” and why others aren’t. We want our ideas to STICK and this book shows you how to make that happen.

by Michael Hyatt
This book is the reason why I am doing what I am today. I read this book when it first came out and it helped me launch my platform in a big way. Michael takes you step-by-step through every part of building an online platform, just as he has (and he built his to more than a half million subscribers).

Good To Great
by Jim Collins
This is the ultimate book on taking your company a level up. Collins and hs team spent years researching what it takes for a company to go from good to great. I’ve read or listened to this more than a half dozen times and get something out of it every time.

The E Myth Revisited
by Michael E. Gerber
If you want to build a business that you get to work ON and not IN, you must read this book. Michael Gerber is considered the leading small business guru for a reason…this book shows you why. I’m currently on my 4th reading as of this writing!

4-Hour Workweek
by Timothy Ferriss
This is one of those books that I have to recommend with a disclaimer: I don’t endorse about half of this book. But the other half MORE than makes up for that. This book is the sole reason I know how to delegate so well today…and for that I am forever thankful.

The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
The only fiction book on this list and for good reason. There is a quote in the book that sums up the attitude of a successful entrepreneur: “The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to stop me.” Read this book and tell me if you don’t find a little Howard Roark in yourself.

The Power Of Starting Something Stupid
by Richie Norton
My good friend Richie Norton wrote this book and it is equal parts inspiration and actionable. The subtitle says a lot: “How to Crush Fear, Make Dreams Happen, and Live without Regret.” If you are stuck or waiting to take massive action, read this book. Now.

The Lean Startup
by Eric Ries
If you think you need massive capital or a bunch of employees to get started on your dream, you are WRONG! This gem shows you how to build a startup the lean way. And it shows you how to do it NOW, without wasting time on elaborate plans or bloated organizations.

Rich Dad Poor Dad
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
I’ve actually never “read” this book…but I have listened to it at least ten times. It’s that good. Kiyosaki clearly outlines the mind of an entrepreneur and the advantages of entrepreneurship. I believe this book is responsible for much of my success (and a lot of tax savings!).

by Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey got his start selling books out of he back of his car. Today, he is the head of a company with more than 500 employees and massive growth. This book is his playbook. It shows you everything from hiring and firing to budgeting and leadership (and a whole bunch more).
by Ray Edwards
Personal Growth

The War Of Art
by Steven Pressfield
I think I’ve read this more than a dozen times now. I consider to be the creative’s daily inspiration. This book is all about getting past creative barriers and unlocking the genius inside. I suggest reading it once or twice through and then reading a chapter (they are short) every day.

The Power Of Habit
by Charles Duhigg
This book is one of the most eye-opening books I’ve ever read. It shows us how habits are formed, , why they are so powerful, and how to change them. This is a must-read for anyone looking to grow professionally or personally.

Millionaire Next Door
by Thomas J. Stanley
This book explores the millionaires in our midst. Not the ones with flashy cars or huge homes. Not the ones whose companies went public or who hit the jackpot, but the every day, average Americans who succeeded financially. Incredibly powerful book.

The Success Principles
by Jack Canfield
This is one of those timeless books that people will read for generations. If you want to know what success looks like, read this book. If you want to know what successful people do, day in and day out, read this book. I suggest reading it once through and then a few pages every week.

by Greg McKeown
This book literally changed my life. I showed me how to focus on what is important (essential) to my business, my family, my well-being, and my happiness. It taught me how to say “no” to the things that are not essential. This is another book I suggest reading regularly.

Money: Master the Game
by Tony Robbins
This book is MASSIVE and worth the read. It’s hard to believe that Tony Robbins wrote a book about money, but this book is amazing. He interviews dozens of the top financial minds and breaks down complicated financial systems into easy to understand and easy to implement practices.

Strenths Finder
by Tom Rath
What are your strengths? Do you truly know what your biggest ones are? I didn’t until I read this book and took the assessment. I highly recommend this book for anyone, but especially teams. It will drastically help your communication and relationships with others on the team.

How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
Affiliate marketing is mostly about relationships. If you want more affiliates, you need a powerful network. This is THE go-to book to learn how to build great relationships with people you want to influence. Much of what I’ve learn over the years about networking and connecting well with others was from this book.

by Tim Grover
Tim was the trainer for Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant among others and while there are plenty of basketball stories and athletic principles in this book, it’s also about leadership, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. One of the few books I’ve read more than twice!

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
by Patrick Lencioni
I’ve read this book five times now and every time I pick up something new about leadership. This book is fable-based (as are most or all of Lencioni’s books) which makes it an easy read. This book highlights the five major dysfunctions of typical teams and how to fix them. Powerful book.

First, Break All the Rules
by Marcus Buckingham
While geared a bit towards corporate leaders, this book is a great tool for helping leaders to know what really works in leadership. The premise is that first, you must break all the traditional rules of leadership, like treat everyone as equals. Totally rocked my world when I read it and I still recommend it today.

Death by Meeting
by Patrick Lencioni
This book kept me from going crazy when I first started my company. Instead of endless, boring meetings, we meet with purpose. This shows you exactly what types of meetings to have and how to run them. Takes less than 2 hours to read but will save you at least that much every week.

Developing the Leader Within You
by John C. Maxwell
This is one of many John Maxwell books I could have listed here, but it’s a great starting point for new Maxwel readers. This is a primer on leadership and I believe it should be required reading for every new leader.
by Robert Cialdini
by Robert Cialdini