
2025 Full Review of Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience (Plus Nearly $10,000 In Bonuses)

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Course Reviews

Thinking of buying Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience? Make sure to read this first. You’ll kick yourself later if you don’t. Updated for 2025 – full review and $4,781 $9,475 in bonuses below.

review of the membership experience plus $9,475 in bonuses

So…the big question…what’s up with Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience course? This full review, updated for 2025, will answer many questions you have and some you didn’t even think to ask.

First off, a full disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Stu’s course and I consider Stu a friend. But to be clear, that does not affect what I share below in any way. It does mean, that if you purchase Stu’s course through my affiliate link I’ll get a small commission (gotta love capitalism, right?). It also means that if you purchase through any link in this review, you will earn access to my exclusive bonuses, worth $4,781 $9,475. <<Skip to the bonuses>>

Ok, now that we’ve got the boring disclaimers out of the way, onto the fun stuff…here’s my full review of Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience. You can either watch the video or read the review below.

Who is Stu McLaren, and What’s So Good About The Membership Experience Course?

Odds are if you are reading this you may only SORT OF know who Stu is and you’re on the fence about joining The Membership Experience. Below, I share everything I know about Stu (which is a lot…I’ve known him for nearly a decade and worked with him on various things over the years) and my thoughts on his course.

Stu McLaren is the real deal

His resume speaks for itself.  The guy is a near legend in the internet marketing space.

As a matter of fact, he’s one of the guys that I’ve looked up to for several years when it comes to entrepreneurship and internet marketing.

Matt McWilliams with Stu Mclaren Tribe Course Creator at Launchcon

My wife Tara and me at LaunchCon with Stu McLaren

His client list reads like a red carpet event for internet marketers — Michael Hyatt, Ruth Soukup, Donald Miller, Jeff Walker, and many more.

All of that is to say, Stu has put out an incredible product. And you can bet that it is top-notch…as a matter of fact, if I wasn’t 100% convinced, I probably wouldn’t be writing this review!

Unparalleled Research

The Membership Experience isn’t just another online course that you buy and forget about…it’s a fully tested, battle-proven system backed by some seriously impressive numbers. This course is built on the best practices of over 70,000 membership sites and online communities (yes, you read that right…seventy thousand). That’s not just experience…that’s a A LOT of data of what actually works.

And if you don’t already know, Stu McLaren is the guy behind WishList Member,one of the most successful membership plugins of all time. Translation? He’s spent years studying what makes a membership site thrive…and what causes them to flop.

Oh, and let’s not forget…he played a key role in helping Michael Hyatt scale Platform University to over 6,000 members in just a few years. (Fun fact: I was one of the original members of Platform University back in…2014 I think…man, that was a LONG time ago!)

Stu’s system isn’t based on guesswork or theories. It’s backed by real-world results and massive amounts of research. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that this is the most thoroughly tested and proven membership course out there.

Unmatched Support

I love how dedicated Stu and his team are in making sure that those who buy The Membership Experience are supported every step of the way.

Just look at the support they provide just for the free videos Stu offers.

Stu McLaren's Tribe Course Support

Seriously…that level of support isn’t available inside many paid courses…let alone for the FREE resources before you purchase a course!

And inside the course, you get access to Stu and his team with weekly calls and Q&As.

Stu Mclaren's Tribe Course has incredible customer support

Here’s some of the other support that you’ll receive within The Membership Experience:

  • Search feature that allows you to find a specific topic across modules, support topics, and other resources by searching the text IN the videos (seriously, this is cool!)
  • The Membership Experience Progress Coaching so you can get your questions answered as you are working through the course by a real member of Stu’s team!
  • FAQ Vault.  I don’t know about you, but when I hear “vault” I get the impression that they’ve spent a lot of time compiling a TON of questions and answering them to help you get the most out of the course! That’s exactly what they’ve done.
  • Community. You will have access to The Membership Experience Community, where you can ask questions, get feedback, and support other course owners — and, of course, Stu and his team will pop in there as well! This is one of the most active communities I’ve ever seen.

review of tribe course

What’s NOT So Good About The Membership Experience?

1. Still a Somewhat New Course

The course has only been around for about five years. In the internet world, that might seem like a long time, but compared to some courses, it is a bit newer.

This means that there aren’t tens of thousands of people who have gone through the course. But, there have been many-many-thousands of successful students who’ve taken their side business and turned it into a full-time income.

Stu has taught and implemented the techniques he teaches in this course in his own businesses as well as with his personal consulting clients with great success (see above…).

You’ll find testimonials from people he has worked with readily accessible on his site.

So yeah, this is technically a “downfall”…but not really when you consider the framework he teaches he learned from studying (literally) tens of thousands of membership sites.

2. There’s Almost Too Much Good Stuff

This isn’t a “not so good” part of the course necessarily.

But, the overwhelming amount of research that has gone into what Stu teaches, as well as his experiences with his coaching and consulting clients can be too much if you’re afraid of taking Stu’s advice step-by-step.

3. I Haven’t Personally Reviewed All The Material

This is an honest review, so it is important for me to tell you that I have not looked through all the course content and bonus material myself.

There’s a ton of material and my team and I have watched the portions of the training that relate directly to the projects we’re working on.

Though I haven’t reviewed it all personally, I have been watching Stu for a long time and I can tell you that he never does anything halfway, so have no doubt that The Membership Experience is awesome…in fact, my team and I are currently going through it again to double-down on our membership course.

4. You’ve Got to Put in the Work

Just in case you thought this was a “membership-site-in-a-box” course, it is not.

While it will definitely take a lot of the stress and effort out, you still have to put in the work. Just making sure you KNOW that.

Modules of Stu McLaren's Tribe Course

I honestly can’t find any other “bad” things about The Membership Experience — and believe me, I tried.

But Stu has left nothing to chance…it really does come down to whether this course is right for you or not…if it’s right for you, then it’s awesome.

If it’s not right for you, then, well, it’s not right for you and you shouldn’t buy it!

Who is The Membership Experience For (and who is it NOT for?)

I hear you asking…is Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience right for me and my business?

Who The Membership Experience is For?

The Membership Experience is for anyone who currently has an audience and business or who is looking to start a business and wants to build it in a way that allows them to leverage their expertise without having to be married to their business.

This includes:

  • Coaches
  • Speakers
  • Authors
  • Designers
  • Bloggers
  • Podcasters
  • Consultants
  • Experts
  • Influencers
  • …anyone else wanting to add a recurring revenue stream to their business

In short, if you are looking for a way to stabilize your business with reliable, recurring income, then The Membership Experience is probably for you!

Who is The Membership Experience NOT For?

I’ll be honest…The Membership Experience isn’t for everyone. Like most high-quality programs, its effectiveness depends on your mindset, your commitment, and your willingness to do the work. If you’re looking for a magic bullet that instantly fills your bank account while you sip piña coladas on a beach somewhere…this ain’t it.

So, who shouldn’t take this course? If any of the following sound like you, it might be best to sit this one out:

1. You’re Unwilling to Invest the Time

The Membership Experience is EVERYTHING (and I mean that literally) you need to know about building a thriving membership business. With six value-packed modules, multiple lessons in each, and plenty of actionable steps, this isn’t something you’ll skim through in an afternoon. If you’re looking for a quick “hack” instead of a real, sustainable strategy, this course won’t be a good fit.

2. You’re Hesitant About the Investment

Let’s talk money. As of this writing, The Membership Experience costs $1,997…and yes, that’s a significant investment. But if you’re serious about creating a profitable, recurring revenue stream, that investment can pay for itself many times over. If you see online courses as an expense rather than an opportunity to grow, this might not be the right time for you to enroll.

3. You Think This is a “Get Rich Quick” Scheme

If you believe that simply signing up for this course will cause money to magically appear in your bank account, let me stop you right there. This isn’t some sketchy “overnight success” blueprint. It’s a real business model that requires effort, strategy, and consistent action. If you’re looking for a shortcut to instant wealth, you won’t find it here.

4. You Don’t Want to Add Recurring Revenue to Your Business

Membership sites are one of the most powerful ways to create predictable, recurring income. If you’re happy with your one-time sales model and have zero interest in creating a steady revenue stream, then you probably won’t find much value in this course. But if the idea of consistent, scalable income sounds appealing, keep reading.

5. You’re Already an Expert in Membership Sites

If you’re already running a highly profitable membership site, have your systems dialed in, and feel like there’s nothing left to learn, then you might not need this course. However, if you haven’t cracked the code yet or want to take your membership to the next level, then The Membership Experience can give you the proven framework you need.

At the end of the day, The Membership Experience works…but only if YOU do the work. If you’re excited to learn from one of the best membership experts in the world, ready to put in the effort, and serious about building a long-term, profitable membership, then this course is absolutely worth it.

But if you’re not willing to invest the time, money, or energy, I’d strongly recommend saving your spot for someone who is.

What is Inside The Membership Experience?

Stu and his team have upgraded this year’s The Membership Experience…experience…yet again.

They conducted the largest membership survey in history to learn what’s working in the changing market.

The Membership Experience includes:

  • All 6 core training modules ($2,497 value)
  • Founding Member Launch Bonus ($497 value)
  • Borrowed Influence Bonus ($497 value)
  • Fill-in-the-Blank Templates ($997 value)
  • The Membership Experience Live Virtual Event ($497 value)
  • and over $2,488 in additional bonuses.

Let’s put it this way…they want the absolute best experience and results for you, and they’re not holding back.

Module #0 – Foundation

This module forms the basis for the entire course.

Bonuses for Stu McLaren's Tribe Course

It’s a deep dive into Stu’s philosophy about…

  • membership sites,
  • the two main types of membership sites,
  • the perfect membership
  • and his trademarked Membership Success Path

Module #1 – Audience

The Membership Experience‘s first core module will help you discover who you are going to serve, how to serve them and how to determine exactly what type of membership site to create to meet their needs.

You’ll also learn:

  • The four reasons someone joins any membership site
  • The two must-have pieces of research you need to know about your market
  • The six membership models and how to pick the one that’s right for you
  • The “less stress” membership philosophy
  • “The Circle of Awesomeness”

As the name implies, this module helps you lay the foundation for a successful membership site!

Module #2 – Membership (Your Content Strategy)

A membership site wouldn’t be much of a membership site without good content.

In this module of The Membership Experience, Stu teaches you:

  • how to create a year’s worth of content in less than a week
  • the two types of must-have content every membership needs
  • the #1 reason people cancel their membership and how to overcome that.

Just those first and third bullet points are worth the price of the course!

Modules #3 & 4 – Marketing (Strategy & Tactics)

The best membership site in the world is pretty useless unless you get paying members “in the door.” That’s what this module will teach you to do, including,

  • Open vs. Closed marketing plans (which is better…)
  • 7 pricing strategies
  • A proven 5 phase launch process
  • How to position your membership as a “must-have” resource
  • Evergreen campaigns
  • Waitlist promotions

These modules cover the same tactics Stu used to 6x the size of Michael Hyatt’s membership site as well as other awesome tactics!

If you’re not going forward, you’re going backward.  Stu will show you how to have a plan in place to ensure that you’re moving forward and growing!

You’ll also learn,

  • The 4 growth stages of your membership
  • The philosophy behind growing your membership and the critical numbers you need to know to scale
  • How to attract highly engaged volunteers
  • The roles you should look to hire for — and when to hire them

It’s all about sustainability and making sure that your membership site doesn’t rule your life — after all, you’re interested in The Membership Experience and membership sites to scale your business, not handcuff yourself to it!

Module #5 – Community

People come for the content, but stay for the community.

In this module you learn exactly how to create a “sticky” and thriving community that people show up for each other day after day.

Create a community, no one will ever want to leave!

Module #6 – Your Retention Strategy

This is one of the BIGGEST challenges I’ve seen with membership sites…how to retain the members your marketing strategy brings in!

In this module of The Membership Experience, Stu teaches you,

  • the real reasons people stay
  • how to increase the lifetime value of your members
  • the 7 actions you want every member to take to ensure their happiness
  • membership guidelines and rules
  • how to use gamification to increase engagement (more on his gamification bonus later)

There is a TON more in this module, and it’s one that I’m particularly excited to go through!

Ticket to The Membership Experience Live 

Last year, people enrolled in The Membership Experience just for this bonus – it’s that good.

Here’s the scoop…

When you join The Membership Experience, you’ll also get a ticket to The Membership Experience Live. This is an event exclusively for The Membership Experience community.

It’s their annual gathering of membership site owners from around the world. This event is THE go-to event for anyone launching or growing a membership site…

Stu leads the conference by diving into the core concepts of growing a membership – which is all based on your feedback BTW.

Stu McLaren's Tribe Course Live Quotecard

The best part is, the event will feature The Membership Experience members who will be sharing the “behind the scenes” of the incredible results they got in the last few months with their membership sites.

Those who attend come away with a deeper understanding of the concepts taught in The Membership Experience… and you will too because you’ll see and hear examples of applications in so many markets.

It’s the creme de la creme of the membership world – all sharing what they did to launch, grow and scale their membership sites in a wide variety of different markets.

Imagine the ideas you’ll get.

Think about the potential of hearing ideas from someone in a completely different market and then being able to brainstorm with them on how to adapt it for your market.

It’s mind-blowing and incredibly inspiring.

In fact, last year, Anna Saucier was so inspired by what she was hearing on stage that she decided to launch her membership right there at the event.

She didn’t have any launch videos or webinars. She didn’t even have a sales page or order page.

She just used the “founding member script” that was mentioned on stage and in 24 hours she generated $5,024 with her tiny audience of just 326 people.

Amazing right?

PLUS all Stu’s Amazing Bonuses (subject to change)

Bonus #1 – Founding Member Launch Bonus ($497 value)

The fastest and easiest way to launch your membership is with a Founding Member Launch.


Stu takes you through his proven strategy and gives you the exact word-for-word scripts and social media posts that are leading to huge membership success.

This bonus alone has covered the cost of investing inThe Membership Experience.

Bonus #2 – Borrowed Influence ($497 value)

If you are in the early stages of growing your business, you’re probably hungry to gain momentum as quickly as possible – am I right?

But the thing that’s holding you back is that you may not currently have an audience that you feel can support a membership.

Hopefully you’ve seen through the many examples we’ve shared, it doesn’t take a massive audience to begin generating a healthy amount of recurring revenue from your membership.

In fact, Stu’s team commonly see The Membership Experience members launching successfully with just a few hundred people in their audience.

And in this bonus, they show you exactly how to build massive momentum from a standing start.

And if you have an existing audience, you’re going to be able to leverage this same strategy to biggie size your audience in record time.

Bonus #3 – 7-Figure, Fill in the Blank Launch Script Templates ($997 value)

These are the EXACT templates Stu uses to craft world-class, 7-figure promotions.

The worst thing that can happen from a marketing standpoint is you have this amazing membership but you don’t know what to say when it comes to sharing it with the world.

When you join The Membership Experience, you’ll get access to these tremendously valuable scripts that he uses over and over to craft winning, 7-figure launches.

And they’ve set this up with their custom tool to make it ultra-easy for you so that you literally answer a few questions and when you’re finished, you have proven scripts.

You’ll know exactly what to say to position your membership so people will naturally be drawn into joining your membership.

Bonus #4 – Simple Profits Mini-Series ($497 value)

In this bonus, Stu teaches you the Simplest Way To Get Paying Members In As Little As 24 Hours Flat.

He literally shares the proven copy-and-paste templates that will get your membership off the ground and earn money in less time than it takes to get your Amazon Prime order!

<<Skip Ahead to My Exclusive Bonuses>>

What Risk is There?

This is one of the biggest questions people ask themselves when investing in courses…and probably at least partially why you are reading this review now.

What risk is there in purchasing Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience?

To be honest, next to none.


If you take a look at Stu’s track record – first building WishList Member, then consulting with people like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Walker and many more, there is really no question as to his ability to build a successful membership site that is both profitable and sustainable.

Really, the only variable is whether you are going to be teachable and put in the work necessary!

But, still the same, Stu offers a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee.

All he asks is that you send him your work, showing that you have gone through the exercises included in the course…and if you still didn’t get the results you were hoping for, Stu will happily refund your money.

(But with all the research and preparation that went into this course, I highly doubt you will go through the course and NOT experience great results!)

How I Used The Membership Experience to Launch My Membership

In October 2019 we launched our first membership program using the model Stu teaches in The Membership Experience: Affiliate Insider Monthly.

Once we decided to create a membership, the promo began by reaching out to our current audience and asking them to opt-in for more information about an awesome membership opportunity we had coming up.

We hinted at a special founder’s and lifetime pricing.

Using what Stu teaches in The Membership Experience, we determined the exact type of content to serve our audience best.

We needed something that would provide the most value while at the same time being simple to produce long-term and on a regular consistent schedule.

Here’s what we came up with:

  • Monthly Affiliate Trends Report
  • Monthly Backstage Passes
  • Monthly Insider Profiles
  • Monthly Fireside Chats
  • A Private Community

The Trends Report allows us to help the community stay on top of what is changing in the affiliate industry. It’s a chance to deep-dive into specific strategies and tactics that are working right now.

Our Backstage Passes are a chance to share what’s going on behind the curtain of my business. We share about the promos we’re running, what’s working for us, what we’ve failed at, and what we are testing to move the industry forward.

Insider profiles allow us to interview the top performers in affiliate marketing and share what they are doing to be successful.

Fireside Chats are basic Q&A sessions where we take member questions live and throughout the month and answer them for the whole community.

Content creation consists of jumping on live calls (which we’d probably be doing anyway) and then sharing them with our community. Super simple and easy to do consistently.

It’s a chance to feature members of our community and make them the hero.

And what’s better, is that content is always relevant to what our audience needs at any given time.

Beyond content, Stu and The Membership Experience Course helped us identify pricing, bonuses, evergreen launch strategies, and an engaged community of our top supporters.

Adding a membership to the business has helped us generate a steady source of income in a way where we don’t have to create a ton of content up-front.

My Exclusive Bonuses When You Join The Membership Experience

Bonus #1 – Destroying Your Limiting Beliefs Workbook ($399)

Limiting Beliefs

It takes a certain mindset to build a large, profitable membership site — and sustain it! That’s why I’ll give you the Limiting Beliefs Self-Coaching Guide. There are four types of limiting beliefs that you will need to overcome and I teach you how to do so in this self-coaching plan.

Until recently, this workbook was only available to my private coaching clients, but I know how critical it is to conquer your limiting beliefs to do something awesome (and daunting) as creating a killer membership site.

Bonus #2 – Access to the Replay of my Networking With Purpose LIVE Event ($197)

Networking with Purpose Live Event

If you go through my link to purchase The Membership Experience, you’ll get access to the replay of my Networking With Purpose LIVE event that I hosted with relationship rockstar John Corcoran and Mark Sieverkropp.

Getting your membership site in front of a large number of potential members requires the right connections. That’s why I’m GIVING you access to the replay of my Networking with Purpose Live event.

This live online event replay will show you how to build, grow, and nurture your network to help you launch your membership site.

I share my own experiences, techniques, and connection-building strategies PLUS I invited some of my connections that are networking experts to come and share their techniques and strategies with you as well.

The cheapest ticket was $197 and that was with a hidden, secret promo code. But it is yours when you join The Membership Experience through my link.

Bonus #3 – List Launch Challenge ($497)List launch challenge email list bonus review

If you are going to start a membership site, you need a list.

Yes, Stu shows you how to succeed with a small list, but you still need someone to sell to…and the larger your list, the more members you will have.

The List Launch Challenge shows you how to start, build, and grow your email list from the ground up.

It’s a proven system with amazing results. It is currently unavailable to the public (we only open enrollment once a year) and normally sells for $497, but it is yours free when you enroll in The Membership Experience through my link.

Bonus #4 – Turn Your List Into Cash ($997)

As you grow your list and your membership, you’ll want to continue to monetize in new ways.

Each subscriber on your list should generate an average of $3.00-$8.00/month in revenue.

This bonus will give you the secrets to monetizing your greatest business asset – your email list!

And this is yours when you join The Membership Experience through my link.

Bonus #5 – $10k In 10 Weeks ($197)

In this in-depth video training, you’ll learn exactly how I set up and monetize my Recources Page (that generates $10k+ per month) and WHY I organize it that way – so you can copy exactly what I do and add one to your membership!

You’ll get over 90 minutes of me going through resource pages that my students created, giving feedback and suggestions, as well as what I like about each one, to give you more ideas for your own page.

While there are certainly best practices for your resources page, there are many ways to apply them. I’ve curated 12 great examples of a good resources page so you can quickly take a look at each one to get formatting and design ideas (and maybe some ideas for products you might want to promote).

Learn exactly how to add a resource page to your membership site when you join The Membership Experience.

Bonus #6 – The Affiliate Code Unlocked ($997)


How could you grow your membership if you had an army of affiliates working for you?

Recently, I revealed nearly all of my secrets from over a decade as an affiliate manager to a small group of people…And the response was UNBELIEVABLE!

The strategies I share helped me build a $1 million dollar-a-month affiliate program in 18 months and run multiple 6 and 7 figure affiliate programs.

This is nearly five hours spilling ALL of my affiliate management secrets and strategies!

It is overflowing with tips and strategies you can implement right away.

You could literally take what I teach in this event and build a massively successful affiliate program for your membership.

Get access to all my top insider affiliate strategies when you join The Membership Experience through my link.

Bonus #7 – 7-Figure Affiliate Launch Course ($1997)7 figure affiliate launch

In order to grow your membership site, you will need to enlist the help of others.  There is no better way to expand your influence and reach more people than by harnessing the power of affiliates.

In this training which I normally sell for $1997, I will teach you how to find affiliates to share your message with the people that they know.  The tools and techniques I share in this training have allowed me to recruit thousands of affiliates in several different industries and have made my clients millions of dollars. Clients such as Michael Hyatt, Zig Ziglar, Kevin Harrington, Rich Schefren, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, and more.

And if you purchase Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience course through my link, you will get this $1,997 course absolutely free.

Bonus # 8 – Email Copywriting Workshop ($997)

People in memberships stay for the results.

So how do you ensure they get the results for your membership while you continue to grow your email list? Through your email copy

In this training, you’ll learn from several of the best copywriters in the world. They will teach you how to write effective email copy so your audience takes the actions you want them to take and achieve the results they’re paying you to achieve.

Usually, this training is only available with our paid courses, but it’s your’s free when you join The Membership Experience through my link.

Bonus #9 – 2,000 Subscribers in 2 Weeks ($697)

How many lives could you change with your membership if you had the top experts in your field teaching the material?

In this bonus, you’ll discover how hosting a virtual summit can explode your list, massively build your reputation, and ignite your membership…from someone who has generated more than 200,000 subscribers using this method.

This training typically costs $697, but is your’s free when you join The Membership Experience.


Next Level Membership Growth


I teamed up with the man himself…Stu McLaren.

In this exclusive 2-hour replay training event, we dug into the next-level strategies to find partners for your next membership launch and 2X, 3X, or even 10X your results.

Stu has an extensive background in managing affiliates, and I’ve been rated as one of the top affiliate marketers in the world recruiting thousands of affiliates in several different industries and making my clients millions of dollars. Clients such as Michael Hyatt, Zig Ziglar, Kevin Harrington, Rich Schefren, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, and more.

This bonus is only available to those who join The Membership Experience through my link.

TOTAL BONUSES VALUE: $4,781 $9,475 (New for 2025!)

So now that you’ve read to this point, there is really only one question…

What are you waiting for?

Click Here to purchase The Membership Experience from Stu McLaren and get ready to create reliable, recurring income in your business!

Final Thoughts on Stu McLaren’s The Membership Experience? Would I Buy It Again?

The short answer…ABSOLUTELY!

This is the premier course on building and sustainable business using a membership.

To my knowledge, no other course out there has the depth and practical training you’ll find in The Membership Experience.

If you’re looking for a way to add a sustainable revenue source to your business then click the button below to enroll in The Membership Experience and get my $4,781 $9,475 bonus package.