
Thank You Revolution: Blast from the Past

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Thank You Revolution Archive

Happy Thursday!

I’ll get right to the point today.

I want you to spend some time in the past. I want you to think back to your childhood or when you were a young adult. Who influenced you? Who encouraged you? Who did a favor for you that changed your life?

Do you have a few people in mind?


Now write those people a thank you note. Look them on WhitePages.com or ask around to see if you can find out their addresses. Take the time and do the research. Don’t give up after 2 minutes looking. Invest the time.

If you need a selfish motivation, this is going to make you feel good. So do it.

Thank them specifically for their contributions to your life. Tell them what it means to you even today. Share how it’s helped you.

Today’s takeaway: Writing a thank you note to someone from the past is a great way to recall the lessons you learned and to brighten your mood.

Today’s question: Who are you going to thank today and why? Share your answer in the comments section below. I’d love to hear your answers.

With Gratitude,

Matt McWilliams
Matt McWilliams.com | Life. Leadership. Love. Learned the Hard Way

Tiny Prints Thank You Cards