
Thank You Revolution: I Told You it Would be Hard

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Thank You Revolution Archive

I told you last week it would be hard.Remember how I asked you to write a thank you note to someone that you don’t even like? Did you do it?If you did, I’d love to hear your story here. How did it go? What did it do for you?

I said it’d be hard. It was for me and it clearly was for some others.

In the entire history of the Revolution, of the hundreds of subscribers, only one person has ever unsubscribed. The average for most email lists is approximately 2-3% attrition each month.

Within twenty-four hours of my last email, I had record numbers of unsubscribers. Granted, we’re talking two people. But it goes to show that it was hard. And some people don’t like hard.

To you and the others who stayed…congratulations and thank you.

Keep the Revolution alive.

Keep changing your life one note at a time.

Keep spreading gratitude around the world.

With Gratitude,

Matt McWilliams

Matt McWilliams.com | Life. Leadership. Love. Learned the Hard Way


Tiny Prints Thank You Cards