
The First Key to a Life of Increase & Abundance…Gratitude

by | Feb 20, 2014 | Personal Development

You want more from life. Good. It’s right to strive for more. It’s right to want better health or more money. It’s right to want to be smarter and have better relationships. But what about what you have now?
Thankfulness for what you have leads to increase

If you want abundance, you must first express thankfulness for what you already have. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

What if I told you that the first key to getting more is to express thankfulness for what you have now.

Here’s the key principle I’ve learned:

The things for which we are thankful we maintain.
The things for which we express thankfulness increase.
When is the last time you spoke or wrote your thankfulness for your health, your income, your family, your intelligence, or your friends?
If you want abundance in those areas, you must first express thankfulness for what you already have.

Lack of any gratitude at all is a surefire way to lose what you have.

Just being thankful in your heart but keeping it to yourself and never speaking it aloud is a great way to keep what you have but not grow beyond your limits.

This is why I journal every day a list of things for which I am thankful. This is why I share the list with others, as I will do here.

My gratitude list

I am thankful for my health.

I am thankful for my intelligence.

I am thankful for the love and patience of my wife, Tara.

I am thankful for the love and laughter of our little girl, Aracelli.

I am thankful for our home, for my income, and for my clients.

I am thankful for my friends, including those I’ve made only because of this blog.

Action item: Start a gratitude journal, listing three things each day for which you are thankful. It takes only one minute each day. Also, tell a loved one or friend one thing for which you are thankful today.

The first key to experiencing increase is to express gratitude for what you have today.

Before hard work.

Before learning.

Before even believing for more.

It starts with thankfulness. From there you can grow.

What are you thankful for today?


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