
Work From Home? This Video is for You

by | Apr 7, 2016 | Business, Fun Stuff

For much of my adult life, I’ve worked from home. If you are like me, you know the ups and downs of working from home. It has some of the greatest benefits, but also some of the most difficult challenges. Now, we have an anthem thanks to Tripp and Tyler (featuring Rayvon Owen).


I personally love working from home. I get to see my family throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. I get to take “personal” time anytime I want. That means soccer in the middle of the day with our daughter, never missing a game, and getting to be there for almost all of their important events.

But it does have it’s challenges, which the video so accurately and humorously portrays.

If you work from home, what is your number one challenge? What is your biggest benefit?


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