
Jeff Goins Tribe Writers Affiliate Launch

How do you build a blog from nothing to more than 100,000 readers in less 18 months? Answer: You follow exactly what Jeff Goins teaches in his Tribe Writers course. It’s launching again this October and it’s going to be his biggest launch yet!

Jeff Goins' 2017 Tribe Writers Launch

I’m excited about Jeff’s launch for four reasons:

  1. Jeff’s was one of the first blogs I read. Ever. I was never much of a blog reader until I came across Jeff’s (thanks to Michael Hyatt). I became a regular in his comments and eventually, we connected. Next thing you know…
  2. Jeff was our first client in the launch space. I’d been running affiliate programs for more than a decade when Jeff and I first connected. But I’d never run a product launch or a book launch. When Jeff asked me to run the affiliate side of his Art of Work book launch, things really took off. Now we’ve run the Tribe Writers launch for several years, and two book launches for Jeff.
  3. Jeff. Like all of our clients, Jeff has become a good friend and I know he is who he says he is. Jeff is the real deal and wants what is best for his students. When you promote Jeff’s course, you can be sure your people are being taken care of.
  4. The course is flat out amazing. Jeff goes above and beyond to make sure his students are learning what they need to learn. Jeff shares the exact strategies he used to build his blog from nothing to more than 100,000 subscribers in 18 months. No fluff. No theory. Just straight up, practical knowledge that, when applied, can help anyone else do what he did.

About the Course

Tribe Writers is best-selling author Jeff Goins’ online course for those who are serious about to honing their message, building an audience, and getting published.

The techniques, tools, and templates are the exact blueprint Jeff used to build a platform of 100,000 followers in 18 months. This is a highly practical, no hype course with proven results.

UPCOMING LAUNCHES: Click Here for the best upcoming launches.

Target Audience

Tribe Writers is for those who want to use writing as their primary tool for earning influence with an audience. It’s proven successful with bloggers, non-fiction and fiction authors, consultants, coaches, social media experts, and online marketers.

What’s Inside the Course?

Forever access to the members area, video lessons, live calls, and $580 in bonuses:

  • You Are a Writer eBook + Audiobook ($20)
  • Friend, Fans, Patrons Networking Field Guide ($20)
  • The Perfect Book Launch ebook ($50)
  • Kindle Publishing mini-course ($100)
  • WordPress 101 training series ($190)
  • Intentional Blog course ($200)

Commission, Price Points, and Prizes

There are two price points.

Premium: $997 one time or $99 per month for 12 months

Standard: $497 one time or $49 per month for 12 months

The commission is 40% and we’ll be announcing some amazing prizes soon.

I’ve promoted it in the past myself and it converted extremely well. This will be Jeff’s 9th launch of Tribe Writers. The sales funnel is absolutely solid.

Important Dates

It all begins on October 9 with the first piece of Pre-Launch Content (PLC #1). This will be an ebook called Every Writer Needs a Tribe: A Practical Guide to Finding (and Writing for) Your Audience. Last year, we had more than 10,000 optins just for this ebook.

The Cart will close on October 27.

As the launch gets closer we will fill you in on all the specific dates.

If you have an audience who wants to build a tribe, this launch is one you definitely don’t want to miss.

What Jeff’s Student’s Say

“Tribe Writers blew my mind. With every click, I was astounded at the progression and quality of content. There is a semester’s worth of high-level thinking and exercises here. It’s deep. Not only does Jeff deal with super-practical writing tools, he gets inside the head of a writer, and helps us make peace with this weird craft.” – Mike Loomis

“I can honestly say Tribe Writers is the BEST COURSE I’ve ever taken. Jeff organized the modules to take the writer on a logical journey: finding & honing your voice, establishing your platform, and getting published. I gained all the tools necessary to take my blog to the next level and grow my readership. Taught with passion and a humble spirit, this course should be taken by every writer!” – Maria Morgan

“As a former high school physics teacher, I take education seriously. Jeff did not disappoint. His attention to detail and desire for excellence impressed me. Rigorous lessons. Thought provoking homework. Classmates that cheer you on regardless of your writing or technology level. A teacher who is present and active. Expect this when you join the Tribe Writers experience. You will not emerge the same person as you started, I know I didn’t.” – Jennifer Humble

Your audience will love you for sharing Tribe Writers with them!

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