Have you ever been told to “keep both eyes on the ball”? A friend of mine said that very thing a while back. His business is struggling and he is battling the constant fight to maintain balance between the future (vision) and the present (day-to-day responsibilities). He, and his business it seemed, was at the end of their ropes.
This is what I wrote to him and what I write to all of you, whether your business is struggling, wildly successful, or you have no business at all:
It’s so easy to stray from your vision by getting sidetracked by day-to-day work.
It’s not that you lost sight of your vision. It’s that you never really had a vision to begin with.
This idea of “keeping both eyes on the ball” is insane. What ball are you talking about? Hopefully not the day-to-day work, because that ball often gets in the way of your big goal.
What sport are you playing when you say you need to “keep both eyes on the ball?” I mean that seriously.
In basketball, the shooter doesn’t look at the ball. The quarterback doesn’t look at the ball (nor does the center snapping it). The pitcher doesn’t look at the ball. They look at their targets. (Yes I get that receivers and batters do but run with me here)
All of those are the drivers to the play. It doesn’t matter what is happening around them; defenders chasing them, crowd cheering, time on the clock, nothing matters but the goal. Nothing.
You say yourself that your company is going through extreme financial struggles right now.
So why would you focus on that?
If (big IF) you have a vision for where you want to end up, a goal, a basket, a catcher’ mitt, you have to focus on that. Focusing on what you have already identified as negative is literally going to get you nowhere. It’s one thing to inadvertently do so, but you know the present is not positive, so focus on the future.
Think about this: If you focus on the future, on achieving the dreams you have for the company and fall short, what is the worst that can happen? That you go out of business? That probably will not happen. But it could. Can you live with that?
If you focus on the present problems and keep trying to just make it to tomorrow, what is the worst that can happen? That 30 years from now, you are fighting this same battle.
What a pitiful existence to live. What a horrible way to go through life. I know that you would much rather bust it and fall flat on your face, beaten but not battered, ready to try again someday.
Worst-case scenario
The first worst-case scenario has a second chance. You fail, you go work for someone else, make good money, and try again.
The second worst-case scenario never ends.
Go for it man. What do you want in your business over the next year? The next three? Dream a little, take the time to cast a vision, and for just a moment, one tiny little moment, be OK with the worst-case scenario.
Fear not failure. Fear the mediocrity that comes from never trying. (Tweet That)
I know you can do it. There are others (spouse, friends, etc.) who believe in you. Now believe in yourself, keep your eyes forward (not on the ball), and go do it!
Have you ever allowed the day-to-day work to get in the way of your big dreams?
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
Or…check out some of my free reports to help you get on the right track:
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